Pickup Trucks …OMG!

Many years ago we were putting in “fake grass” in our backyard. In order to save money we were advised by the fake grass salesman to put a one foot circumferential border around the outside. “Saving money”… that sounded like a good idea, so we went out of the city to a stone & brick place in order to buy some pea-gravel. We had measured the border area and thus knew approximately how much pea-gravel we needed. The pea-gravel guy said that rather than paying for delivery, he would help us load it into our pickup truck. When we told him that neither we nor anybody we knew had a pickup truck, he was aghast! His face turned a bit ashen and he was temporarily at a loss for words. Now granted this was about twenty-five miles inland and not right on the ocean, but it was in California – a part of California where owning a pickup was almost assumed and expected.

Contrast this with a recent MSNBC interview on “Morning Joe.” The interviewee was New York Times op-ed writer Mara Gay. 

(BTW: I have never, and will never watch “Morning Joe,” much less MSNBC. However I did watch and listen to this Mara Gay interview on Townhall.)

Ms. Gay was recounting a Memorial Day weekend trip to Long Island to “see a dear friend,” and she was “deeply disturbed” by what she saw. 

She saw a lot of pickup trucks! OMG! … pickup trucks actually exist outside of Manhattan. Can you believe it!! 

She saw a lot of pickup trucks with American flags flying from them. OMG! … American flags flying on Memorial Day. Can you believe it!!

And here’s the coup de grâce. She saw pickup trucks with Trump flags attached to them. OMG! … Trump supporters within fifty miles of NYC. Can you believe it!!

It sounds like Ms. Gay thinks very similar to Michael Harriot, senior writer for The Root, who said, “Anyone who flies an American Flag on a pickup truck is a whole different breed of white people.” OMG! … A different breed of white people! Can you believe it!!

The rest of the Mara Gay MSNBC interview was more “all white people are racist and liberals are not” garbage – perhaps typical of MSNBC? 

Suffice it to say that she didn’t mention pea-gravel even once. I guess that there aren’t many fake lawns in the high rises close to the NYT building. 

Interesting to note that not only is Ms. Gay an op-ed writer for the NYT, but she is also an editorial board member at the NYT. OMG! … an editorial board member! That says a lot, and yes I believe it!

“False?”…”Alleged”…”Probable”…”Certain” (Part 3)


What follows here in Part 3 will be tough reading. Do not attempt to read all of Part 3 in one sitting, as you will find yourself reading too quickly and not absorbing the full importance of what is being said. It was only on my slow repeated re-reading of certain parts separately that I was able to fully comprehend the shocking detail of what happened. For example, (9) and (10) should not be read in the same sitting. These two critical long paragraphs should be read in their entirety, separately – not at the same time, and optimally not at the same sitting with other paragraphs. (Furthermore, I would advise saving all three parts of this long essay, as there is a strong possibility that it will somehow be deleted and disappear from view, because those that know best will categorize it as “false claims.”)

The third category of incidents and analyses is of the greatest significance for the presidential election. 

The incidents are more systemic and the analyses are much more sophisticated and detailed. They are game-changers.

1)     GA, MI, PA, and WI violated the Constitution by altering election procedures without their state Legislatures changing their state election laws, rules, and procedures. This was done illegally using the Covid-19 pandemic as an excuse. These states allowed wholesale mail-in and absentee voting, which violates state election laws, thus opening the door wide to potential fraud. SCOTUS would not hear the case. 

2)     As reported on Nov. 8, Antrim County, Michigan, a traditionally red county, showed a huge bump for Biden/Harris of 130,000 votes in the early morning of Nov. 4 after the “pause.” No votes at that time for Trump/Pence and the totals from the voter machines did not agree with the paper print-outs. A recount using the paper tapes showed Trump to be the winner.

3)     By Nov. 12, a report showed that votes were switched from Trump/Pence to Biden/Harris in multiple states. The reporting claims that in these states (WI., IL., LA., TN., MN., AZ., CA., VA., OH., GA., NY., MI., Fl., NJ., and PA.) anywhere from 2,078 votes to 220,883 votes were switched from Trump to Biden. All of the states mentioned were using Dominion system voting machines. By Dec. 17 a video was out showing raw data from multiple AZ counties including Maricopa that documented 700,000 votes transferred from Trump to Biden in 8 counties. A provided map showed the number of stolen votes in each of the 8 counties. On Dec. 30, during a Georgia state senate hearing, it was revealed that 30,593 votes were deducted from Trump’s total vote and 12,173 of those votes were switched to Biden.  Georgia used Dominion machines for the election 

4)     As reported on Nov. 13, three experts analyzed four Michigan counties. They found a minimum of 69,000 votes were shifted from Trump/Pence to Biden/Harris in just the 4 counties. 

5)     By Dec. 11, Sidney Powell reported that a Dominion Tabulator was tested in Ware County., GA by inserting the same number of ballots marked for Trump/Pence as were marked for Biden/Harris. The Dominion Tabulator showed Biden won by 26%. The tabulator did this by counting every Trump vote as 0.87 of a vote and counting every Biden vote as 1.13 votes (see B-6).

6)     On Jan. 6, Maria Zack, founder of Nations in Action, was interviewed on video. She revealed that a senior software engineer/ whistleblower in Italy confessed in an affidavit that he had uploaded software that gave the instructions to change votes from Trump/Pence to Biden/Harris. The upload went to a satellite owned by the large Italian Company, Leonardo, then to servers in Germany, and then to the U.S. The CIA was reportedly involved and so were Dominion machines. The votes in seventeen states were affected including GA. Governor Kemp was informed. The sworn testimony of the software engineer mentioned that this happened when it was realized that Biden was losing.

7)     Jan. 12, a 36-page report regarding foreign election interference in our Nov. 2020 election was released by Stanford researcher, Jovan Pulitzer. He states that 65 foreign countries were involved in the attack of over 600 county polling centers. He stated that “this is vetted and factual.” His report charges irregularities and fraud in MI., PA., WI., MN., GA., NV., AZ., and NM. The report states “Critical infrastructure [was] utilized …….. to subvert the will of United States voters and install a China ally.” The researcher provided evidence at a GA. Senate hearing that the Chinese Communist Party financially controlled Dominion Voting machines and the testing of Smartmatic Software used with those machines. He also stated in the hearing that without counterfeit ballots, Trump almost certainly would have won.

8)     Mike Lindell’s Absolute Proof, a 2 hr. long video released Feb. 5, features experts who describe documented evidence of machine manipulation of tens of thousands of votes accomplished by the intentional setting of voting systems to weight votes (see B-66) using algorithms (instructions) that have since been unraveled. The weighting was in Biden’s favor. 7,000 votes in Antrim County., Mich were flipped from Trump/Pence to Biden/Harris. Even more astounding is the foreign interference primarily from China where votes were simply deducted from one candidate and given to another, or injected for the candidate of choice (Biden). Other countries (Spain, UK, Germany, and Italy) are also implicated. Our own federal government is also alleged to have been involved. The DOJ shut down investigations into the election and also tried to shut down court cases dealing with potential election fraud.

9)     Mike Lindell’s Absolute Interference, a 2 hr. long video released about Mar. 19, implicates China, Iran, Serbia, Spain, Italy, Germany, and Russia in the U.S. election fraud. Per Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, in one county of NH, the vote on Nov. 3 started with a gift of 300 votes for Biden/Harris before the polls even opened. Dr. Douglas Frank stated that people that don’t exist were registered and then votes were ‘provided’ for them. He also indicated that in cases where voters were told at the polls that they had already voted, that this was because the algorithm had already voted for them. Per a camouflaged voice from a person called “John”, there is absolute proof of incursion into 150 election servers in 14 different states by China. The incursions also include multiple offices of the secretaries of state. “John” stated that “China chose Biden/Harris, not the American people.”

A cybersecurity and advanced threats expert, who was not named and whose image was blurred, spoke of a cyber footprint that was locked in time. He then went into detail about 19 instances of incursion. He said all of these 19 incursions were initiated by China and that 2,295 counties in the US had been attacked in all 50 states. Votes for Trump/Pence went down over time and Biden/Harris went up. The downtrend is impossible in a valid system. In just these 19 incursions, 518,617 votes switched from Trump to Biden. The unnamed person stated that using data from just these incursions, Trump won AZ, MI, WI, PA, and GA.

10)   Mike Lindell’s Scientific Proof, a 1 hr. long video released Mar. 31, is devoted almost entirely to the work of Dr. Douglas G. Frank, a Ph.D. physicist who looked in-depth into vote manipulation by voting machines. Dr. Frank adeptly presents multiple graphs and charts to make his case. His first clue that there was something amiss was when he looked at a voter database and noticed that there were far too many registered voters who voted only in the Nov. 3, 2020 election. He and his volunteer team knocked on 1600 doors and found out that 32% of them did not exist. They were phantom voters. This led to checking a curve of registrations by age group against a curve of ballots actually submitted by age group. This curve comparison shows gaps pointing to which demographics don’t vote as much and subsequently where there is room to ‘provide’ ballots without exceeding the numbers of registered voters in that demographic. Dr. Frank determined how much room there was for the fraudulent expansion of the votes (registrations vs. actual voting) in each demographic in 14 counties in Ohio, took an average of that discrepancy for each age group, and plotted the discrepancies. The curve can be described mathematically with only 6 numbers instead of 82 (ages 18 thru 100) plus a seventh number for turnout to predict the 2020 election numbers. His predictions fit perfectly with ballots submitted (not necessarily all valid). The fit was so perfect in all 88 counties that it was statistically impossible as shown by extremely high correlation coefficients (R) – even 1.00. For example, it showed that across the whole state of Ohio, the exact same percentage of 70 yr. olds voted in each county. This was true for all age groups and is not normal behavior. It could maybe be accepted in a precinct or two, but not across 88 counties and all with the exact same formula (algorithm) for deceit. It could only be accomplished by machine manipulation of registrations and votes and Dr. Frank had discovered the algorithm that accounted for the fraud. He also discovered because he noticed the same two strange little glitches in all the curves of county data (impossible), that the algorithm was based on 2010 census data. Those population data were used to program the voting machines to increase registrations so that the illegally input votes would not exceed registration numbers for each demographic thus making it less suspicious. An adjusted algorithm for PA. showed the same evidence of deceit. However, because the turnout was so great, and Trump/Pence voters so predominant, the algorithms were not enough. Therefore, we get the shut down in the middle of the night so algorithms could be adjusted and more illegal votes input into the system. Thus in one county in Colorado, 150% of the population was ‘registered’ to vote. In fact, in the first 20 or so counties listed by Dr. Frank, in Colorado, there were more registered to vote than in the total population. This anomaly may not have been discovered if 2020 census data were available and used in the programmed machine algorithms. The voting machines had to be, and were, online before, during, and after the election to accomplish this. They are not supposed to be online at all. These illegal vote additions occurred across the country, not just in swing states. So even in states where Trump/Pence was given a win, they won by much more than was reported. Apologies to Mike Lindell and Dr. Frank if this summary doesn’t do them justice.

11)  On or about June 3, Mike Lindell released another video, Absolutely 9-0, in which a cyber expert explains and shows the data that were used by machines in China to alter votes in U.S. machines. The machine data (called PCaps for packet captures) are encrypted, but Lindell’s hired experts translated them and they show irrefutable evidence of vote flips from Trump to Biden and not the other way around. These data can’t be altered and can’t even be obtained after the fact. They must be recorded during the hack and they were. Lindell showed evidence of enough vote flips by an incursion into our machines to give the election to Trump in MI, WI, GA, PA, and AZ. 

After reading ll of these three parts, I believe that the claim of election fraud in Nov. 2020 has now gone from “probable” to “certain.”

The person who compiled the information detailed in Parts 1,2, and 3 closed with the following:

“In summary, the Nov. 2020 election was stolen; there are a lot of data to substantiate fraud; it is not a conspiracy theory; judges have dismissed cases on procedural grounds and not the meritsTrump/Pence won the election. If the courts – particularly SCOTUS hear this evidence. Trump will be our president again. I hope it is not an idle wish.”

“False?”… “Alleged”…”Probable” …”Certain” (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this three part treatise I listed fourteen different examples of voting irregularities that cannot be placed into an “ up-and-up” category. What follows in this second category are incidents that are larger, more likely to have an impact, and/or more provable, but probably would be argued by the opposition still not significant enough to impact the presidential election if taken one-by-one in a court case.

The following eighteen examples make the claims of election fraud look less like merely “alleged claims of election fraud,” and more and more like claims of  “probable election fraud.”

1)     Nov. 4, at about 1 AM Eastern Time, WI., MI., PA., NV., AZ, and GA. all stopped counting in unison for about 3 hours. Trump/Pence were leading when the voting stopped in all those swing states except Nevada where it was about tied. After the “pause” Biden/Harris were leading with an unusually large number of statistically abnormal (impossible) votes in those states.

2)     In Pennsylvania, late absentee ballots were counted anyway. The dates on these ballots were “impossible” and there were 23,000 of them. In addition, in Delaware County. PA, 50,000 votes on USB cards were missing. 

3)     By Nov. 8, the news was out that programs called “Hammer” and “Scorecard” could grab vote totals off the internet and change them in real-time and that this happened in the Nov. 2020 election. This according to a former NSA Senior Analyst who got the info from attorney Sidney Powell who got the info from the person who developed this capability. The reportage was confirmed by Navid Keshavarz-Nia.

4)     As reported on Nov. 8, a Detriot poll worker observed a van with out-of-state plates, unloading 61 boxes of ballots at 4 a.m. on Nov. 4. Another report says at least 50 boxes unloaded from a van registered to the city of Detroit at about 3:30 a.m. Nov. 4. This is 8 hours after the deadline for receiving votes. The van left and returned with more boxes about an hour later. 

5)     By Nov. 13, three experts discovered that the ballot-counting machines didn’t count ballots. Instead, their images are tabulated. Often the images are not retained as required by law. If they are not retained, the automatic storage features of the machines have been overridden by manual means. This happened in MA and MI. Without the images, audits must be done with much more difficulty, by hand. 

6)     Reported Nov.13, an MIT data scientist and Fulbright Scholar learned that there is a “weighted” feature internal to some of the machines. With manipulation, this allows, as an example, for 1 Trump/Pence vote to be counted as 0.75 votes and 1 Biden/Harris vote to be counted as 1.25 votes.

7)     Alleged Philadelphia mob boss (Skinny Joe Merlino) supposedly was delivered 300,000 raw ballots before the polls closed on Nov. 3, to be marked for Biden/Harris. The dirty work was allegedly requested of Merlino by PA Democrat Party operatives. Merlino was reportedly paid $10/ballot for his dirty work. The ballots marked for Biden/Harris were taken to a Philadelphia convention center for counting. Merlino was willing to testify to this in exchange for an “expungement of his criminal record.

8)     By Dec. 2, Sharyl Attkisson reported that in Georgia, the statistical analysis determined that after Trump/Pence was in the lead, Biden/Harris began to gain ground by 4,800 votes over and over in successive updates until he led Trump by about 1,000 votes. In some updates, Trump actually lost votes, an impossibility. 

9)     Attkisson reports that a former military intelligence analyst alleged he had proof of foreign interference through Dominion’s voting machine server connections to Iran, China, and Serbia relative to the Michigan election results. This was in a lawsuit filed by Sidney Powell.

10)  Attkisson reports that late in the evening of Nov. 3 in Philadelphia, Trump/Pence was leading Biden/Harris by 285,000 votes. Then 44 batches of ballots giving Biden about 6,000, 12,000, or 18,000 net votes turned the result to a 46,000 vote win for Biden. The multiples of 6,000 (x2 or x3) are highly suspicious. That was a swing of 331,000 votes to Biden’s favor.  

11)  Dec.14, in Antrim County., MI it was reported that a Dominion Voting System was shown by a forensic team to generate 68% of ballots to be in “error.” The machines were designed to do this. The ballot errors were intentionally generated. The ballot errors are then set aside to be adjudicated with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. 

12)  On Dec. 16, Attorney Jesse Binnall reported to the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, that in Nevada, mail-in ballots went from 70,000 in 2016 to over 690,000 in the Nov. 2020 election. This was due to last-minute changes in state election law that provided for universal mail voting but did not provide sufficient safeguards. As a result, over 42,000 people voted more than once; at least 1,500 dead people voted; more than 19,000 people voted who did not live in NV; about 8,000 people voted from non-existent addresses; over 15,000 votes came from commercial or vacant addresses, and over 4,000 non-citizens voted. 

13)  Peter Navaro’s self-generated report available by Dec. 17 shows vote irregularities and illegalities in multiple states. In Arizona alone, 254,722 possible illegal votes were documented. The Biden/Harris “victory” in that state amounted to only 10,457 votes. 

14)  Jan. 9, Lt. Gen. (retired) Thomas McInerney, in a casual speech with reporters present, gave his opinions about election fraud. There was not much evidence provided. He did however allege that Jim Comey sold Hammer and Scorecard to the Chinese so that votes could be “modulated.” He also confirmed Italy’s role in changing votes. He also said, quoting Trump, that about 142,722 (he wasn’t sure of the exact number that Trump gave) votes were switched from Trump/Pence to Biden/Harris at 06:31 on Nov. 4. The specificity of Trump’s statement struck McInerney as indicative of special intelligence.

15)  John Ratcliffe, then Director of National Intelligence, said in a letter to Congress, obtained by the Washington Examiner Jan. 17 that China did seek to influence the 2020 U.S. election. 

16)  Mike Lindell in his video, Absolute Proof interviews experts in cybersecurity and information warfare. These experts claimed the voting systems used were compromised causing extraordinary rates of adjudication (see B-11): 68%-82% in Antrim County., Mich. and 93.6% in one case in Fulton County., GA. The machines were intentionally set to do this. Ballots set aside for adjudication because the machine detects an error, are decided and counted without oversight. A normal adjudication rate is less than 1%.

17)  On Feb. 20 there was a report published that alleges a firm in Guangdong, China had printed counterfeit ballots for the U.S. election at a rate of 500,000 per month since July. 

18)  According to the 5/20 Tierney Real News report, 15,000 ballots were cast in Georgia before they were picked up from drop boxes. An impossibility. Also, an audit in AZ showed thousands of ballots with no backup ballot meaning that they were fake ballots.

Again to my way of thinking there appears to be too much here to conclude that all of this was merely coincidental. It certainly appears that this was a coordinated well-planned-in-advance scheme.

For those of you who still are Doubting Thomases, I challenge you to read tomorrow final installment (Part 3).

“False?” …”Alleged” … Probable” … “Certain” (Part 1)

When you read the MSM newspapers or listen to the Mainstream TV, they only speak of the “false” claims of election fraud. They never use the adjectives, “supposed,” or “alleged,” or “as of yet unproven” claims of election fraud. Personally I think that “alleged” would be the more honest and precise adjective to use. 

What is to follow over the next few days are multiple examples of either “innocent” cheating, obvious skullduggery, legal malfeasance, and outright criminal fraud, or “all of the above,” I hope that at the culmination of this three part series, you will believe as I do, that there was barefaced, conclusive, and blatant election fraud. No I did not compile the following by myself, but rather copied and pasted most from McIntosh Enterprises.

This first category contains incidents of suspected fraud that are probably not determinative because they are too small, not systemic, not provable to favor one candidate over the other, or just machine “glitches” or some other excuse, but important nonetheless. These instances taken one at a time in court cases don’t amount to much for a presidential race, but for local races, they do make a big difference. If taken collectively they could make a difference in the presidential race, but our court system doesn’t work that way.

1)     In Michigan, more than 500 mail-in ballots for Trump/Pence were “dumped” and later found to be “misplaced and accidentally not included in the results.” 

2)     Michigan postal workers and others were told to back-date about 100,000 absentee ballots so they would be accepted and counted. This was sworn to in an affidavit. 

3)     Box of ballots from people not on voter rolls found in Detroit.

4)     Nov. 20, proof of election fraud in MI and PA and illegal votes in WI according to sworn affidavits. A whistleblower from Smartmatic tells how their software rigs elections. 

5)     In Fulton County. GA, over 900 sequentially numbered military ballots were for the Biden/Harris ticket. Not one military vote was for Trump/Pence. In 2016 Trump took Fulton County. by 26%.

6)     Matt Braynard’s Voter Integrity Project estimated that, in Georgia, 12,670 votes were from those not eligible to vote in the state.

7)     In AZ a poll worker witness testified that she was instructed to let people vote who were not registered or were from out of state, but not if they were pro-Trump voters from other counties. Trump voters were sent away.

8)     In De Kalb County. GA, a hand recount revealed 9,626 votes improperly allocated to Biden/Harris. 

9)     700,000 more absentee ballots counted than mailed out in PA. 

10)  A subcontractor employee testified he drove as many as 288,000 ballots illegally across state lines from NY to Lancaster PA. This was provided in sworn testimony.

11)  In states that Biden/Harris supposedly won, Biden was expected to have ‘coattails’ that help the down-ballot candidates win. Biden did not have any coattails because his coat wasn’t authentic.

12)  In Mike Lindell’s 2 hr. long video, Absolute Proof released 2/5, there is strong evidence provided for local, typical fraud such as dead people voting, out of state residents voting, people double voting, fake ballots, breaks in the chain of custody, back-dating ballots, more people voting than are registered, etc. in MI., NV., PA, WI., and GA. In most of these states that amounted to hundreds of thousands of votes in question. 

13) On May 18, attorney Matt Deperno, reported that he had determined that the voting machines in Antrim County., Mich. can be accessed and totally manipulated even after an election by backdating all the voting information.

14)  In Windham County. NH, when machines were audited, the votes for Republicans were consistently undercounted, but Democrat votes were not. It was also determined that no two tabulating machines resulted in the same number of votes.

At this point “false” is starting to appear more suspect when referring to claims of election fraud. “Alleged” would seem much more apropos after reading the above 14 examples. There is much more to come!

Stay tuned. Part 2 tomorrow.


Otis McDonald

Who of you has ever heard of Otis McDonald or The Chicago Crusader?

I am not surprised, as I have never heard of the Chicago Crusader.

For many years Chicago had three newspapers, the Tribune, the Sun-Times, and the Daily News. Many years ago the Chicago Daily News stopped printing its daily afternoon newspaper, and so I assumed that Chicago had two newspapers. However, I just became aware of a third Chicago newspaper … The Chicago Crusader.

The Chicago Crusader, known from 1940 to the 1950s as The Crusader and from the 1950s to 1981 as The New Crusader, is a weekly African-American newspaper serving Chicago. It is one of two newspapers in the Crusader Newspaper Group, the other being the Gary Crusader. 

I recently read an article from The Chicago Crusader by journalist J. Coyden Palmer about Otis McDonald. I had never heard of Otis McDonald. Mr. Palmer thought that it would be a fitting memory to name, or rename, a Chicago public school after Otis McDonald.

I am seeing a lot of blank stares, and hearing a lot of ‘N.A.C.’ (‘ not a clue’) in reference to the name, Otis McDonald. Whereas, I would guess that even very few of you who live in the Chicago recognize that name, his name is probably well known to many members of the NRA. Yes, you heard me right! Otis McDonald was a Second Amendment activist. He lived in Chicago, and challenged the city’s ban on handguns in court and eventually won his case when the Supreme Court ruled that the ban violated McDonald’s right to keep a gun in his home for self-defense.

He stood up and took on the City of Chicago, when others were afraid to, as is detailed in his book “An Act of Bravery: Otis W. McDonald and the Second Amendment.”

Otis McDonald was an amazing African American man and an American success story. The son of sharecroppers, McDonald left school at age 14, but ended up earning his associates degree while working at the University of Chicago as a maintenance engineer before retiring in 1996.

From African American journalist Cam Edwards:

“J. Coyden Palmer is right. The city of Chicago should honor Otis McDonald; for his Second Amendment activism, for a life well-lived, and for the inspiration that he continues to provide gun owners and civil rights activists to this day.”

It’s Even Worse Than I Thought!

From the beginning I have thought that this past Presidential election was fraudulently stolen from President Trump. Now I believe that it is worse than I thought.

A friend sent me the following email. As he is usually on top of things like this, I did not check the details of his math.

“ it’s estimated a shift of ~44,000 votes would have changed the electoral college vote to a trump victory in 2020. 

that 44,000 is 0.0275% of 160,000,000; does anyone really believe that the percentage of illegitimate votes cast in that election was not more than 0.0275%???”

To me that sounded reasonable, but I also just read something to make me think that it’s even worse than I originally thought. 

The following is from an article by Btit Speares in the Northwest Connection:

“This article does not favor one candidate over another; rather, this article favors a return to the U.S. Constitution — assuring that all Americans have the right to fair elections [ i.e., only one vote from each legal (living) voter. Period ].

“It is highly plausible that — if only legal ballots were counted in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin, and New Hampshire — this would’ve given Trump a 298-240 Electoral College (EC) victory.

“If the same were done in Arizona and Nevada, the result would be an even more convincing EC victory for Trump, 315-223. It was in these seven States where a lot of hanky-panky was going on — between the times “a vote was cast” and when the “official” ballot was recorded.

“For Pennsylvania [1] and Michigan [2], recent voter audits by nonpartisan mathematicians determined that Trump had won both States by substantial margins of 370,000 and 150,000, respectively.

Will those other five States ever be analyzed with the same nonpartisan integrity? Only time will tell, but at this point I doubt it.

Indeed it is worse than I thought!

“Let’s focus on Nevada, which has only six EC votes. To provide an example of the unbelievable amount of fraud, what follows is a synopsis of Attorney Jesse Binnall’s 16 Dec 2020 report [3] to the U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (just six weeks after the presidential election).

“On 3 Aug 2020, Nevada legislators hurriedly made devious changes to the State’s election laws by adopting Bill AB 4; this provided for universal voting-by-mail without sufficient safeguards to authenticate voters (or ensure the fundamental requirement that only one ballot be recorded for each legally qualified voter).

“Because of AB 4, the number of mail-in ballots exploded from ~70,000 in 2016 to more than 690,000 in 2020. From the nonpartisan data scientists, this is what Binnall’s voter audit found:

● Over 42,000 people voted more than once.

●  At least 1,500 dead people were recorded as voting.

●  More than 19,000 voters did not live in Nevada.

●  About 8,000 people voted from non-existent addresses.

●  Over 15,000 votes were cast from commercial or vacant addresses.

●  Almost 4,000 non-citizens also voted.

“All in all, the nonpartisan inspection identified over 130,000 unique instances of voter fraud in Nevada — but the actual number is almost certainly higher. Two Clark County technical employees independently reported they saw “the number of votes recorded by voting machines and stored on USB drives” changed between the times the polls mysteriously shut down at night and when they reopened the next morning. In other words, votes were literally appearing and disappearing in the dead of night. Lastly, some persons were encouraged to vote by receiving rewards (e.g., raffle tickets, gift cards, televisions, etc.).

“Incredibly, these 130,000+ people have been identified and their true addresses are known. Will any of them ever be brought to justice for election fraud? Heck, no. (By the way, Biden’s “margin of victory” in Nevada was 33,596; this report means that Trump’s margin of victory was actually more than 96,400.)”

Nationwide, it is even much worse than I thought! 

State tuned right here. There’s soon more to come.

It should have been and most likely was a Trump landslide!

College Perspective

 The tension in the air is unmistakable. Hundreds of police officers clad in riot gear brace for conflict. An angry mob approaches, their chants growing louder and louder with each step. As the distance between the groups shrinks, the anticipation mounts. The officers and protestors lock eyes, neither side willing to show any sign of weakness. There is no backing down now. The campus of UC Berkeley more closely resembles a battlefield than an institution of higher learning. Entire sections of the campus are closed to prevent violence from erupting between crowds. The massive increase of police presence and additional security measures in preparation for the angry crowd “came with a $600,000 price tag” (Panzar). What could have possibly prompted such an intense, hostile protest involving hundreds of students? A Conservative attempting to give a lecture on campus after being invited by a student organization. Ben Shapiro, an Orthodox Jew, was protested with such fervor because students accused him of being a racist white-nationalist. Even more concerning, the attempted silencing of Shapiro is far from an isolated incident, but one example of an increasing trend where students protest speakers that they don’t like. The inability of students to tolerate alternative political perspectives, to the point of violence, is a direct consequence of ideological uniformity within universities, which creates a mischaracterization of the ideological composition of society at large. The fact that students feel morally justified in deciding who should be allowed to share their opinions, especially at a public university, is a surface level manifestation of a deeper-rooted issue. Ideological uniformity within university faculty has contributed to the politicization of the academy, which results in a decreased quality of education and scholarship. 

As a political science major and a lifelong consumer of political information, it is difficult, if possible, at all, to separate the world of politics from my own day-to-day life. My inability to distinguish the political from the personal has not been improved by recent polarization and the subsequent encroachment of politics into our society at large. Additionally, I would classify myself as a classical-liberal, which is a perspective that I find not shared by most within the world of the university. This ideological disconnect between myself and those around me is aggravating at times but allows for a unique perspective within the academy. Hopefully, this paper, which is an attempt to share my perspective, will help illustrate how the ideological uniformity within universities is undesirable for the entirety of academia and society at large. To ensure the claims I make are understood in the precise way I intend, clarifications of definitions are in order. Oxford Languages defines ideology as “a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy”. In this sense, the ideology that dominates the university is that of the left. There are several key components to this ideology, which include: a belief in the power of the central government to enact social change; the desire to achieve greater “social justice”; the preference of equity over equality; and the preference of equality over individual liberty. While it is impossible to correctly identity the ideology every professor subscribes to, the closest reasonable approximation is professor voter registration. A study headed by Mitchell Langbert, an associate professor of Business at Brooklyn University, investigated the ratio of registered Democrats versus Republicans at forty leading universities in America. The study revealed that out of the 3,937 professors that were registered to a party, it “found 3,623 [professors] to be registered Democratic and 314 Republican” (Langbert) for a total Democrat to Republican ratio of “11.5:1” (Langbert). Out of the five departments that were analyzed, the Democrat to Republican ratio was highest in the field of History at 33.5:1 (Langbert). The overrepresentation of a single ideological perspective within university faculty is detrimental to the ability of the academy to remain politically impartial for two reasons; namely, an increased susceptibility to bias and departmental decisions achieved via a majoritarian consensus.

Non-STEM professors’ perceptions of information in an academic context are susceptible to ideologically biased interpretations in two crucial ways. First, the study “Perceived Importance of Information: The Effects of Mentioning Information, Shared Information Bias, Ownership Bias, Reiteration, and Confirmation Bias”, conducted by a Lyn Van Swol, a communication specialist at the University of Wisconsin, reveals instances of increased susceptibility to bias within group communications. Van Swol discovered that when individuals exchange information within a group context, they “often fail to…consider information contrary to their opinions” as well as displaying “a confirmation bias toward information that supported their opinion” (Swol). So, information that is communicated in a group setting is more easily dismissed by individuals who don’t already agree with the information being shared. Secondly, according to a study titled “Neural Bases of Motivated Reasoning: An FMRI Study of Emotional Constraints on Partisan Political Judgment in the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election”, lead researcher Drew Westen identified that “neural information processing related to motivated reasoning appears to be qualitatively different from reasoning in the absence of a strong emotional stake in the conclusions reached” (Westen). Motivated reasoning refers to implicit emotion regulation where the brain “converges on judgements that minimize and maximize positive affect states associated with threat to or attainment of motives” (Westen). These findings are extremely consequential when considered alongside the fact that “the central and final procedure for rendering the most important decisions [within departments of universities] is democracy among tenure-track professors” (Klein). Essentially, major decisions within a university’s departments, such as hiring, promotions, and curriculum, are left to “departmental majoritarianism” (Klein). Therefore, departments’ group-oriented decision-making structure is likely to allow the group context bias, mentioned above, to influence the decisions made without anyone realizing it. Additionally, the scholarly enterprises of non-STEM professors differ from STEM professors in a crucial way. Subjects such as history and sociology involve concepts that are intimately correlated with professors’ deeply personal beliefs and values, which creates impartial scholarship incredibly difficult, as opposed to subjects such as physics and chemistry. Thus, motivated reasoning is likely to influence non-STEM professors’ scholarly pursuits, especially when an overwhelming percentage of colleagues within a department share a common ideological orientation. This is not to say that university faculty are consciously hiring professors and promoting scholarly pursuits that align closer with the majority’s ideological persuasions. However, it would be naive to ignore the reality, grounded in human nature, that those involved in hiring new departmental members “will tend to support candidates who share their fundamental beliefs, values, and commitments” (Klein). For example, if a department is considering two equally qualified candidates for a professorship position, the decision is more likely be made in favor of the individual who appears more reflective of the ideological underpinnings of the other department members, due to the phenomena mentioned above. Due to the disproportionately high concentration of leftist professors within university faculty, the decision-making structural framework within the academy, as well as the influence of motivated reasoning and the perceived importance of information in groups, is likely to perpetuate the dominating leftist ideology within the department. 

            The domination of the leftist ideology within universities is not inherently problematic in it of itself. If colleges’ chief purpose of furthering the pursuit of knowledge and providing students with an education was unaffected by the ideological composition of their faculty, the beliefs of faculty would be irrelevant. However, this is not the case. The ideological domination of the left within universities has essentially blurred the line between politics and facts, to the extent that universities are able to present political perspectives as axioms, as opposed to one possible perspective amongst others. My first encounter with Cal Poly came in the form of SLO days, a weeklong orientation designed to assimilate incoming freshman into Cal Poly’s community and culture. My wide-eyed excitement to begin college was brought to an abrupt halt when the first topic discussed by my group’s orientation leaders had nothing to do with classes, professors, or anything involving college, whatsoever. Instead, Cal Poly decided the first thing incoming freshman should “learn” is that gender and sex are completely disconnected phenomena and that gender is a spectrum. Contrary to the official perspective of the University of Cal Poly, this is not an unquestionable factual statement. However, do the domination of leftist ideology throughout Cal Poly, an obviously political perspective can be presented as unquestionable reality. Because Cal Poly’s faculty is composed of a particular ideological persuasion, opinions that are rooted in the ideology are confused for a self-evident reality because there isn’t any significant representation of differing ideologies. This same phenomenon is responsible for the students at UC Berkeley protesting Ben Shapiro, which lead to “nine people [being] arrested, four of them carrying banned weapons” (Panzar). Because political perspectives are presented as objective reality, students confuse their opinions for unquestionable truth, leading to the depiction of Shapiro as a dangerous dissenter undeserving of the right to speak publicly. If ideological uniformity within universities is not acknowledged and addressed, political polarization will continue to worsen and the likelihood of our society, especially students, regaining its ability to engage in productive civil discourse will continue to diminish.    

I’m not arguing that phenomena mentioned above are part of a coordinated effort of professors to intentionally create a lack of competition between ideas within universities. Rather, the ideological uniformity evident through the voter registration of professors is reflective of an intersection of structural failures within universities and our human nature to be “drawn to people who are more like-minded” (Lynch). Ultimately, these interacting conditions increase the likelihood of university’s ideological homogeneity, which directly counters the foundational mission for universities. In Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education, Martha Nussbaum claims that the chief function of a liberal education is that it “liberates the mind from bondage of habit and custom, producing people who can function with sensibility and alertness” (Nussbaum). The disparity between the mission of liberal education mentioned above and angry student protests of speakers who students disagree with is evidence of the unmet potential of the American higher education system. The dominant, self-perpetuating ideology within universities create a distorted worldview, where people who don’t subscribe to the same ideals that characterize the academy are depicted as dangerous, as opposed to simply holding different beliefs. In a time where academics continually tell society they must acknowledge their implicit racial bias, they are usually hesitant to acknowledge the documented bias in their own backyards. In a time where “Americans owe over $1.71 trillion in student loan debt” (“U.S. Student Loan Debt Statistics for 2021”), students deserve the absolute highest quality education universities can provide. In a time where political polarization is tearing our society apart, our educational elites should treat their own ideological beliefs with the same level of skepticism they display towards differing ideals.



A “Woke Up” Call


In April Major League Baseball decided to move its All Star Game from Truist Park in Atlanta in response to Georgia voting rules signed into law by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp on March 25. Critics, including the CEOs of Atlanta-based Delta Air Lines and Coca-Cola, have condemned the changes as being too restrictive.

NEW (from ABC 6, Atlanta on 6/1/21):

However, Major League Baseball received a “woke-up call” this week as a small business advocacy organization filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Major League Baseball, MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred, the Major League Baseball Players Association and executive director Tony Clark. The suit demands the Major League Baseball All-Star Game return to Atlanta immediately or the “defendants pay $100 million in damages to local and state small businesses.”

“MLB robbed the small businesses of Atlanta – many of them minority-owned – of $100 million, we want the game back where it belongs,” said Alfredo Ortiz, president and CEO of the Job Creators Network. 

Below is data provided by the Job Creators Network:

  • More than 8,000 hotel reservations were canceled.
  • Revenues from ticket sales, concessions and events at Truist Park – including the Futures Game and Home Run Derby Contest – by the more than 41,000 fans expected, were lost.
  • According to Cobb County Chief Financial Officer William Volckmann, the county would receive a “robust return” on its roughly $2 million investment to host the events. Previous MLB All-Star events have generated between $37 million and $190 million for their host communities.
  • Atlanta is 51% African-American, Denver is 9% African-American. U.S. Census data indicates there are roughly 7.5 times more African-American-owned businesses in Georgia than Colorado.

OLD (from ABC 6, Atlanta on 4/5/21):

Political insider Armstrong Williams says it’s important to actually read the bill in question.

Williams says that the MLB and Delta “did not read the bill.”

“There is no way you could read the bill, and not come away with the fact that this bill has empowered people to vote,” said Williams.

“I took it upon myself to read the bill. I thought there would be gross misrepresentations where it would malign American Blacks the vote, and what I found out, in fact, it empowers all voters,” said Armstrong Williams. Williams says the changes to voting protocols outlined in the bill include new ballot dropboxes, early voting expansion, and a bipartisan commission to oversee the election.

He continued:

“Even if you don’t have a voter ID, the bill allows you to use either your bank statement, your utility bill, your electric bill, your heating bill, just to make sure that that piece of information verifies that you’re actually a living, breathing person at that residence.”

Did MLB ever actually read the Georgia bill? Personally I doubt it.

To be clear: I do not have any strong connection to the city of Atlanta.  I have visited there a few times and it was okay. However, now with the MLB All Star Game kerfuffle, I will be right there – standing during the seventh inning stretch, singing “Take me out to the ballgame,” and “God bless America” … all the while cheering on the city of Atlanta in its suit against woke MLB.

Have A “Cool” And “Long” Weekend

One of my grandsons is about to start high school, and so he is now starting to be asked, “What do you want be when you grow up?”

When I asked him that a few months back, he hesitated and timidly responded, “Maybe a comedian.” Granted he does have a good sense of humor, but I figured he could probably aim for something a bit higher, so I said to him, “At this point you should probably pick something a little more challenging. You know something to fall back on if that comedian thing doesn’t work out. There are lots of individuals who envision themselves as comedians, but they are not any good at it.

Just within the last few weeks two prominent individuals attempted to tell a joke in front of a good sized audience, and each joke fell completely flat.

One of these individuals attempted a joke at the US Coast Guard Academy’s graduation ceremony. When there was no laughter, he then countered by calling the grads a “dull class” which also went over like the proverbial lead ballon.

Another prominent individual was delivering a commencement address at the U.S. Naval Academy, but her attempt at woke humor, fell completely flat, and the speaker will be most remembered as a lousy comedienne.

While the speaker found her solar panel joke hilarious, the crowd didn’t find it all that amusing, or as the WSJ put it, they “looked like they wanted to crawl under the nearest solar panel.”

Fortunately for each of them, they can fall back on their reputation as orators, especially on the days leading up to Memorial Day.

In preparation for this federal holiday which is meant for honoring and mourning the military personnel who have died in the performance of their military duties, the first failed comedian said, “Stay cool this weekend, folks.”

The other failed comedian simply posted, “Enjoy the long weekend.”

Contrast that with what the “mean tweeter” said,

Former President Donald Trump honored the “fallen heroes” who made the “supreme sacrifice” for their country in a Memorial Day message, as he reminded Americans that “all that we are” is thanks to them.

“We remember the fallen heroes who took their last breaths in defense of our Nation, our families, our citizens, and our sacred freedoms. The depth of their devotion, the steel of their resolve, and the purity of their patriotism has no equal in human history,” he said.

“They made the supreme sacrifice so that our people can live in safety and our Nation can thrive in peace. It is because of their gallantry that we can together, as one people, continue our pursuit of America’s glorious destiny,” he said.

Hmm! Quite a contrast!

Luckily the two failed comedians/orators have other jobs to fall back on, but . . . err, they are not very good at those either.

Tsk, Tsk … For Shame!

When I was helping to organize a high school reunion, one of my former classmates, Tom K., had a notation next to his name on the alumni list. It  read, “Do not contact me for any reason. Ever!” … signed, Tom K.

As of today I am saying a similar thing about a “newspaper.”  … “Do not  buy this ‘newspaper’ for any reason … Ever!” 

That “newspaper,” is USA Today. Tsk, tsk! For shame! 

USA Today has risen (sunk) to heights (depths) occupied by a select (despicable) woke few. Because of its recent underhanded woke editing, it has now joined Coke and Delta in a despicable group of “Do not . . . Ever!”

Tsk, tsk, for shame! 

Some background from  mrcCulture:

On May 22, USA Today published an opinion piece by Chelsea Mitchell  a now-collegiate track athlete who in 2020 “was ranked the fastest high school female in the 55-meter dash in the state” of Connecticut. 

More from Townhall:

USA Today however went back and three days later altered the content of the editorial. The words that the paper eradicated were phrases where Chelsea referred to her opponents as males.

This is bad enough, as it marks the second time in months that USA Today has done this. Recall, they allowed Stacey Abrams to go back and alter her op-ed on the Georgia voting law after boycotts on the state by companies created a backlash, and she wanted to excuse herself from responsibility by expunging her words encouraging those actions. 

What makes this egregious is that, unlike the already unacceptable Abrams alteration, this was done without Mitchell’s approval, nor her becoming notified. Then even worse, the explanation from the paper ended up smearing the runner, painting Chelsea as intolerant.

“Editor’s note: This column has been updated to reflect USA TODAY’s standards and style guidelines. We regret that hurtful language was used.”

[Editor’s note: This essay has been updated to reflect my standards. I want to apologize to most of you despicable individuals out there, because I have done you a disservice by grouping you with USA Today. I regret that I could not come up with a more appropriate adjective to describe USA Today. I considered “contemptible,” “vile,” “pitiful,” “worthless,” “detestable,” and “loathsome,” but they too fell short of expressing my true feelings for that low-life excuse for a “newspaper.”

Tsk, tsk. For shame!