East vs. West

At first I was I a quandary as to how people in the West could be so dumb, but then I look at who was supposedly elected President of the US, and I get it. (Even ‘Alexa’ now says that the 2020 election was stolen!)

Let’s first look at coal, and more specifically at coal generated energy in order to attempt to understand this apparent epidemic of stupidity in the West. 

At present the U.S. is doing mostly what the inane liberal politicians want to do, but does the closing of coal generating power plants in the US actually make any sense? If all of the CO2 generated in the US had an effect only on what was going to happen in the future to the US, then one could at least argue that what the liberal US politicians are forcing its citizens to do could at least possibly make some sense. But that is not how the earth works. 

Note to the liberal politicians: If it is the CO2 generated that supposedly will make a difference as far as future climate change, then it would be the world-wide generation that would make the difference.

From the Daily Mail:

“America has the third-biggest coal-fired electricity generation capacity in the world. India is second (after China) and is building more coal plants, as are the following Eastern countries … Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, the Philippines, South Korea and Vietnam. The Asia-Pacific now accounts for 80 per cent of global coal demand.

Even if America closed all its coal capacity tomorrow, it would quickly be more than matched by all the new coal plants coming on stream in China.

The grim truth is that China and other parts of Asia are now building so many new coal plants so fast that the ‘energy transition to net zero’ which British and other western politicians so obsess about is effectively meaningless.”

The liberals here in the US want us all to drive EV, and get rid of all things that use gas in order to cut carbon emissions. But let’s think about this for a minute.

From the Daily Mail:

“China claims its carbon emissions will peak in 2030 and hit net zero by 2060. But look at what it’s doing, not what it says: it is giving planning permission for two new coal-fired power plants every week (yes, every week).

Last year, it approved a record-breaking 106 gigawatts (GW) of new coal-fired power capacity. Permits are being handed out at an even higher rate this year.

The pace of construction is also increasing. China now has 243 GW of coal-fired capacity permitted or under construction.

One gigawatt is the equivalent of a coal power plant.”

So in the case of coal-fired power let’s realistically look at East vs. West. What is increasingly obvious is that the East is smart and the West is dumb!


The ACLU Sided With Who !?

Mark this day on your calendar!

Now for the first time I can remember, and probably for the first time ever the ACLU has sided with Donald Trump!

From The Epoch Times:

“The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) came out to advocate for what it believes are President Trump’s First Amendment rights in a rare statement of support, describing Judge Chutkan’s order as “vague” and “impermissibly broad” in restricting the former president’s free speech.”

The background is that “U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan had initially approved President Trump’s request for an administrative stay, or pause, on the gag order requested by government prosecutor special counsel Jack Smith. The gag order prohibited remarks that would “target” the prosecution and defense legal teams, court staff, and potential witnesses.

“In Judge Chutkan’s initial written opinion, she dismissed arguments made for First Amendment defenses, writing that the obligation to protect the proceedings from outside interference preceded First Amendment rights.”

To refresh one’s memory, this the Department of Justice’s federal election case accusing Trump of trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

Let’s be clear here. In my opinion the case against former President Trump is purely political harassment, as it is a made up case that is designed to prevent him from running for President in 2024. Special Counsel Jack Smith is a leftist hack, and Judge Chutkan is out of her league as she being manipulated both by the prosecution and the press. 

Again, let me repeat … 

News Flash: the ACLU is siding with Donald Trump!!!

if the ACLU is siding with President Trump, then Judge Chutkan must be way off base.


Another Way Of Looking At It ?

Before I get to the meat of this piece, I want to relate two similar situations with two separate individuals, 

Both of these individuals had received every Covid booster, and seemed a bit taken aback that they recently got Covid. Both basically said, “I had every recommended booster, and yet I got Covid.” It is interesting that both of these individuals are politically extremely liberal. Is there a correlation between being liberal and receiving every recommended Covid booster? Hmmm!  Perhaps a topic for another day.

Eerily my situation almost two years ago was a bit similar. Back then my wife and I were going back to the Chicago area for a wedding. Because on that trip, we were also planning on visiting my wife’s sister who was quite ill, we thought that it would be prudent to get a Covid booster, and so we did. Fifteen days after I got my booster, I came down with Covid. My question back then was, “Did the booster contribute to my getting Covid?” It was then, and still is now, my opinion that getting Covid within fifteen days of a Covid booster was not merely a coincidence. I suspect there was a cause-effect relationship. I guess perhaps I should further consider whether or not the Covid infection that these two separate acquaintances got, despite having had all the boosters, was, in fact, caused by or contributed to, by the boosters.

While I can hear rumblings of “poppycock” from some of you readers, first consider the following stats from Canada.

From the People’s Voice:

During the month of February, 2022 in Canada, there were many more cases of Covid among the double vaccinated and triple vaccinated population when compared to the unvaccinated. Why should this be considering that the vaccine allegedly reduced their risk of contracting Covid-19?

Perhaps there is another way of looking at it. 

Could it be that the Covid-19 vaccines damage the immune system and make recipients more likely to contract Covid-19?  Could it be that the vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of a vaccine, but rather a measure of a vaccine-recipient’s immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.

.Could that explain why these two different acquaintances recently got Covid despite the fact that they each had received “all of the recommended boosters?” Hmmm!



Before Turning Into A Parking Garage

Is this concern about EVs merely theoretical or is it something that is warranted? The concern is about EVs and parking garages. Actually the concern is twofold.

The first concern has to do with the weight of EVs.

From just the news.com:

EVs elicit concerns because of just how heavy they are compared to traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. Many older parking garages were simply not built with the weights of modern cars in mind, let alone EVs. The lithium-ion batteries that power new EVs account for a large portion of the weight discrepancy with traditional cars. For example, according to automotive trade journal Jobber News, “An electric vehicle can weigh much more than its internal combustion engine counterpart (ICE) — the Ford F-150 Lightning can weigh 2,000-3,000 pounds more than the ICE version.”

The battery of an electric GMC Hummer weighs approximately 2,900 pounds, or about the same as an entire 2022 Honda Civic.

Experts in the U.K. have warned that parking garages “could be at risk of collapse as heavier electric vehicles put pressure on ageing infrastructure.”

“I don’t want to be too alarmist, but there definitely is the potential for some of the early car parks in poor condition to collapse,” Chris Whapples, a structural engineer and a consultant on parking garage regulation, told The Telegraph.

The second concern is over the fire hazard that EVs pose, especially when parked in commercial garages because of those buildings’ tight quarters and restricted access.

In June, Siemens AG released a White Paper reviewing fire safety protocols in parking garages housing electric vehicles. Smaller parking spaces, larger vehicles, and the increase of plastics in car design has led to greater risks from multi-vehicle fires in parking garages just with ICE vehicles, according to Siemens.

The Siemens report highlights two recent international garage fires—one in Liverpool, U.K. in 2017 and another at the Stavanger Airport in Norway in 2020—which both caused significant structural damage and loss of property. This danger could be amplified by electric vehicles.

Assuming that you were not injured or killed because of a fire or a collapse that destroyed your car that had been parked in a municipal garage, think of the paperwork fiasco that would ensue. Additionally of course all of your personal belongings that had been in that destroyed car would now be unretrievable.

So if you are forced to park in a commercial garage, perhaps the wise thing to do is to leave home a bit early so that you can locate the public garage that specifies, “No EVs allowed!”



In Minneapolis … Not A Surprise !

This morning I found myself asking a question that perhaps many Americans are asking themselves … “who do these anti-Israeli protestors actually represent?” 

It appears that at least some of these college protestors are here on student visas, and because these foreigners are backing a terrorist group (Hamas) could well be subject to expulsion from the U.S. … another topic for another day (see blog of 10/21/23).

But what about the non-college anti-Israeli protestors?

From BlazeNews:

“Thousands of anti-Israel demonstrators took to the streets of Minneapolis on Sunday, waving Palestinian colors and at least one Hamas flag as part of a leftist coalition’s “Stand with Palestine” rally. The demonstrators blockaded the intersection of Hennepin and Lyndale avenues and Vineland Place, forcing drivers to wait through a so-called “die-in” protest of Israel’s war on Hamas terrorists.”

I will not describe the plight of an elderly man with white hair whose car was attacked by a mob as he tried to get past the pro-Palestinian blockade. (You can probably read about these details in your local MSM, … not! Do not hold your breath while trying to find this incident described in any liberal press clipping!) 

Be that as it may, what do we know about the group that organized this “rally?”

From BlazeNews:

“According to Newsweek, the rally was organized by the Minnesota Anti-War Committee, the state chapter of the American Muslims for Palestine, and the Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of Minnesota. On the day of the protest, the MAWC retweeted a post that states, “’Israel does not have the right to defend itself against those whom it occupies.’”

Read the following very closely to get a good idea of how far left these Minnesota protestors really are.

An agenda document on the group’s site indicates that in addition to opposing Israel, the organizers support unchecked abortion; voting rights for illegal aliens; prohibitions against pipeline construction; ending cash bail; community control of police; and more taxes.


David Rose & Daniel Chapman

Just like with many other Sundays, today I give praise to two gentlemen who by their bravery saved the life of an eight year-old boy. Daniel Rose and David Chapman are two police officers from Warren, Michigan.

On August 30th of last year Cpl. Daniel Rose and Officer David Chapman were in a residential area when they came across an 8-year-old boy lying on the ground holding an active power cable. A storm had occurred the previous night, and a number of power lines across the city had come down. The instant the officers saw the screaming boy, accompanied by his panicking 10-year-old brother, they raced over to help. Body camera footage shows the distressing scene playing out, with the officers making split-second decisions. Despite the live power lines dangling over the boy, the officers acted swiftly.

“I’ve got to get him,” Cpl. Rose can be heard saying, crawling under the still-active wire along with Officer Chapman to reach the boy, who was now unconscious, and drag him to safety. As they did so, they were hit with a strong electric charge coming through the child’s wounded body.

They then rushed the boy to the hospital.

The Warren Police Department said: “Hospital Staff advised that, if it were not for the quick thinking and heroic actions of Officers Rose and Chapman in particular, the 8-year-old child may not be alive today.”

Just another day on the job in Warren, Michigan?

Not for these two real life heroes!


Que sera, sera; Out You Go !

The other day I was reminded that as American citizens that we are all allowed to have and to express our personal opinions, no matter how dumb, on just about anything. Members of ‘The Squad’ in Congress are free to express their personal opinions on the Israel-Palestinian situation.

As perhaps many of you are aware, Hamas has been designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. since 1997, but these Squad reps can express their support for Hamas, as they are citizens of the U.S. which is a free country. 

However, the question has come up as to whether or not this freedom of expression applies to those non-citizens who are presently living in the U.S., specifically students on student visas. They can be disqualified under the Immigration and Nationality Act from being eligible for a visa if they endorse or espouse terror activity. While that is normally checked at the time they apply for their visa, holders can also have their visa revoked if they breach the terms of their visa.

The lawmakers highlight a number of pro-Palestinian protests in universities and colleges across the country, including reports of throat-slitting gestures and statements that praise terrorists as “liberation fighters” and “martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for liberation.”

From Fox News:

Nineteen Republican lawmakers are calling for foreign students who are in the U.S. on temporary visas and have expressed support for Hamas to have their visas revoked and be deported from the country — in the wake of the deadly terror attacks on Israel.

Reps. Jim Banks, R-Ind., and Jeff Duncan, R-S.C., — both members of the Anti-Woke Caucus — have led the letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, expressing concern about reports of pro-Hamas demonstrations.

“We write to request information regarding the potentially unlawful presence on U.S. soil of non-immigrant foreign nationals who have endorsed terrorist activity,” they say.

All who agree with these lawmakers, raise your hands. In my imagination I am seeing hundreds of hands go up. Granted these foreign students are paying premium tuition to attend school here, but if they are on temporary visas, and they support terrorist entities, then que sera, que sera, what will be, will be! Out you go!


Err … More Money Is The Answer!

The latest Joe Biden speech from the Oval Office occurred on 10/20/23. It was only the second speech from the Oval Office during his what seems like an excessively long term in office. No, I did not watch it, as I had something more important to do. Acknowledging that “importance” is a relative term, at the time of J.B.’s speech I was watching a recorded episode of “Switch” which is on Game Show Network. No, I do not regret my choice! 

As with any Democrat, J.B’s answer to everything is that the U.S. needs to pony up more money … $100 billion!

I&I charitably described the speech as “word salad,” and also pointed out that any speech must have a coherent ending and a call to action.

From I&I:

“How would a real president with an iota of concern about his and America’s credibility and effectiveness have ended his address?

“First, I call Iran to account for their role in the recent atrocities and in particular, the murder and capture of Americans, each an act of war. If the immediate return of all hostages is not arranged, Iran will face the most severe consequences imaginable, up to and including military options. 

“Second, I am immediately suspending all direct and indirect aid to Palestinian entities, and diverting it to the Israeli defense effort. It is not possible to ensure these resources do not fall into Hamas’ hands.

“Third, to demonstrate my commitment to ensuring Americans’ rights to debate and disagree without being targeted, I hereby issue blanket pardons to former President Trump, other members of his administration, and the so-called ‘January 6’ protesters, and encourage state and local officials to do likewise. We can’t afford the internal divisions current prosecutions are producing during a time of war.”

If this Oval Office speech had ended that way, I would be the first in line to watch the rerun, perhaps even more than once, but rather I will be focused on more reruns of “Switch.”


Down Under

This morning I  recalled that our yearly flu shots are based on the strain of influenza that is prevalent down under in the Southern Hemisphere, predominantly in Australia and New Zealand, during their past just completed winter. Recall that their winter is our summer and vice versa. Unfortunately this year’s flu vaccine is not supposed to be all that effective, percentage wise. However, I hope that the other things which happened recently down under will soon surface here in the U.S.

First, in New Zealand, the Labor government suffered a complete rout. The ultra liberal Jacinda Ardern had already resigned and fled the country, only to take refuge at Harvard University!

From the New York Times:

New Zealand Elects Its Most Conservative Government in Decades

The rightward shift came as voters punished the party once led by Jacinda Ardern for failing to deliver the transformational change that it had promised.

Meanwhile in Australia, from Jeffery Tucker:

A referendum that would have ended a key Western pillar of social and political law, the idea of equal application of the law. It proposed the addition of a new arm of Parliament supposedly to represent the interests of the Indigenous people, not the actual people of course but those claiming to represent them. The way to be admitted to the group is genetic, which is to say a biological test for political power.

The yes position was pushed very hard by all the main power centers in Australian politics. As Ramesh Thakur has written, “The $365 million referendum, backed almost unanimously by the governing, educational, financial, media, and sporting institutions and funded generously by them using shareholder and public monies rather than their own, confirmed an alarming gap between the elites and the vast majority. It should but is unlikely to lead to any serious introspection by members of the elite.”

The whole crazy scheme went down in a sweeping and devastating repudiation by 3 of 5 voters nationwide. This represents a total humiliation not only for the racialist cause—oddly favored by the left—but also all elite media and corporate voices that completely misread not only the intent of the referendum but also the attitude of the public.”

Will these similar outcomes soon come to the U.S.

Hopefully, the ultra liberal Democrats will be defeated in the next elections, just like in New Zealand. Likewise, hopefully many of the bizarre positions favored by the elite will go down to crushing defeats just like occurred down under.


Cannabis Use … Another Downside

For a long time now I have said that the legalization of marijuana was done without due regard for its downside. Here is another previously unrecognized downside. [CUD = Cannabis Use Disorder; CVD = Cardiovascular Disease]

From Cardiology Advisor:

Anees Bahji, M.D., from the University of Calgary, and colleagues examined the association between CUD and adverse CVD outcomes. The analysis included linked administrative health databases (2012 through 2019) from 29,764 matched pairs of individuals with and without CUD.

The researchers found that approximately 2.4 percent in the CUD group and 1.5 percent in the non-CUD group experienced an incident adverse CVD event (risk ratio, 1.57). There was a significant association observed between CUD and reduced time to an incident CVD event. There was greater risk seen for incident CVD among individuals without mental health comorbidity, those who had not used health care services in the previous six months, those who were not on prescription medications, and individuals who did not have comorbid conditions.

“This evidence suggests that cannabis use may place a healthier population at increased risk of major cardiovascular events,” the authors write. “As a result, our study points to the importance of educating our patients about the potential risks associated with cannabis use and CUD.”

For those unaware a 1.57 risk ratio is very significant. In addition the risk was even greater for those who not appear to be at increased risk for CVD (no prescription meds; no recent use of health care services; no comorbid conditions).

This is a big study with over 29,000 matched pairs, and so I would guess that we haven’t heard the lat of this issue, but predictably you will not read about it in the MSM.
