Hochul’s Hooey

There is confusion on my part with this new religion … the religion of liberalism. It is possible that I just do not know enough about it to understand the various facets of its doctrine, or what sort of education is necessary to spread its “gospel.” It appears to me that one of the criteria to be a liberal preacher is to be a governor in a blue state. (Initially I was going to say, “be elected a governor in a blue state,” but today I learned that it is not necessary to be an elected governor … i.e. Kathy Hochul of New York.)

From theblaze:

On Sunday, 9/26/21 now Governor Hochul gave a sermon of sorts to a Brooklyn megachurch — and the liberal Democrat preached the gospel of getting COVID-19 vaccines.

Speaking about the trials of the pandemic to the Christian Cultural Center, Hochul told listeners that she “prayed a lot to God during this time, and you know what? God did answer our prayers. He made the smartest men and women — the scientists, the doctors, the researchers — he made them come up with a vaccine!” (Interestingly God didn’t tell her to mention that without President Trump there would probably still not be a vaccine.)

She then held aloft not a cross but her “vaccinated” necklace, telling congregants that she wears it “all the time” to announce to the world that “I’m vaccinated!” (Her necklace doesn’t say, “I am a Christian,” which could in fact be more apropos when speaking at a church … or perhaps, “I am a hypocrite,” as this “Catholic” woman is inviting everyone who is unable to get an abortion in Texas to come to New York for their abortion.)

But her sermon got even more self-centered as she said, “All of you — yes, I know you’re vaccinated, you’re the smart ones — but you know there’s people out there who aren’t listening to God and what God wants. … You know who they are,” she told the church with an evangelical fervor. “I need you to be my apostles. I need you to go out and talk about it and say, ‘We owe this to each other! We love each other!'” (Wow, it is amazing that she knows who is or isn’t listening to God.)

In addition to preaching she apparently can see into individual souls. In an attempt to downplay people who cite religious exemptions, she denied their legitimacy entirely.

“There are not legitimate religious exemptions because the leaders of all the organized religions have said there’s no legitimate reason,” Hochul vaguely claimed.

Then the day after her sermon in retaliation against mass resistance from unvaccinated healthcare workers employed in hospitals across New York, Hochul announced on 9/27/21 she is firing all unvaccinated hospital staff, regardless of position, effective at midnight.

To address the worker shortage this will cause, Hochul signed an executive order granting her emergency powers to deploy medically trained National Guardsmen to temporarily replace hospital employees.

(This cannot possibly end well! What if a a heart surgeon or a neurosurgeon is not vaccinated? I would not want someone from the National Guard scrubbing up and operating on my heart or my brain … or on any part of me for that matter!)

While Tucker Carlson described Hochul’s preaching to be from the “religion of Covid,” I think that she is a disciple of the religion of liberalism, and this is just a new sect. Except that she has stepped it up a notch by likening herself to Christ when she said, “to be my apostles …!”



An Avocation

As many of you are aware, writing blogs is only an avocation of mine. In addition an avocation to my blog-writing avocation is checking out Merriam-Webster podcasts. I know … “how boring!” Be that as it may, today I came across two interesting words that reminded me immediately of Joe Biden’s presidency.

Those two unusual words were “estivate” and “ambisinister.”

Let’s take “estivate” first. It means “to spend the hot dry season in an inactive, dormant state.” In other words “estivate” is to the summer, as “hibernate” is to the winter. As summer is now ending, the question is whether or not J.B. will come out of his dormant state … will he come out of his estivation? Will he actually stay in Washington when the next crisis appears or will he cower back to his home in Delaware, or even worse go to a Delaware beach? Of course by that time his “estivation” my not be an issue, as he may well be into his “hibernation” phase!

“Ambisinister” means “clumsy and unskillful with both hands.” Whereas ambidextrous means “able to use both hands equally well,” it also means “unusually skillful; facile.” In that same light, “ambisinistrous” implies that the individual is clumsy and far from adept at just about everything. 

Is it any wonder that J.B. popped into my mind with these two unusual words? For the last eight months, when J.B hasn’t been dormant, he has plainly just been screwing up everything (Pipeline, border, economy and inflation, Afghanistan, and now his vaccine mandates).

Ergo, J.B is both coming out of estivation and is truly ambisinistrous!



Err … It’s For the Kids

The latest New York City (NYC) kerfuffle is about mandatory Covid vaccinations for all NYC teachers and other school employees. This requirement was the NYC mayor, Bill deBlasio’s, mandate that was to go into effect on 9/27/21. 

Before this mandate could go into effect, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit granted a temporary injunction on this vaccine mandate. 

The vaccine mandate would have required teachers and other education workers to show proof of vaccine beginning Monday, Sept. 27. After the court’s last-minute intervention, the mandate’s enforcement is now delayed pending a review by a three-judge panel set to begin 9/29/21.

What I find interesting in this obvious power struggle is the present position of the teacher’s unions, who are pressing for a delay in the mandate, arguing that the requirement would leave the school system (the largest in the nation) short-staffed if imposed too early. The way I interpret this union position is that if the power hungry NYC mayor’s mandate goes through, the teachers are going to have to do more work.

(Council of School Supervisors and Administrators President Mark Cannizzaro called the mandate’s Sept. 27 deadline “dangerous and irresponsible,” and warned it would “allow schools and centers to operate so severely understaffed,” the New York Post reported:

The United Federation of Teachers echoed that alarm soon after.

“The principals’ union is right — our schools are not ready for the implementation of the vaccine mandate,” said union chief Michael Mulgrew.  “I hope for once City Hall is listening to its own school leaders and finally starts to put together a reasonable plan to face the challenge of keeping our children safe.”

What I am not hearing from either side is “Err … what is best for educating the school children?” As has been apparent since the beginning of this pandemic, young children are at minimal risk from Covid. So if this were to actually be solely for the children, no vaccination mandate would be necessary. Those NYC teachers, etcetera who have chosen to be unvaccinated are the ones at risk, not the children. If a NYC teacher or other school employee chooses to be unvaccinated, so be it. From my perspective their reason is not important … whether it be prior Covid, a religious objection, or simply fear of the potential side effects of the vaccine.

Everyone knows that irrespective of what the 2nd Circuit Court decides, these types of generalized vaccine mandates … ‘yea or nay’ will ultimately go up the ladder to the Supreme Court. 

Hopefully SCOTUS will not duck this issue again as it did with mandatory vaccines for Indiana college students.



Drizzle, Now, But With a Storm Coming

From the Western Journal 9/20/21:

With a prediction for very stormy weather ahead for the nation he loves, meteorologist Karl Bohnak signed off last week after being fired for refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

Bohnak had served as the weatherman at Michigan’s WLUC-TV for 33 years. Gray Television, WLUC’s parent company, instituted a vaccine-or-else policy that went into effect on 9/15/21.

It wasn’t so much about what happened … he got fired. It was more about what he said afterwards.

Bohnak, quoting New York Yankee icon Lou Gehrig’s famous farewell speech, announced his departure in a post onFacebook.

“I am sad, but, to borrow a quote from a famous ballplayer, ‘I’m the luckiest man on the face of the earth’ because I had a dream as a kid to be a weatherman.”

“That dream came true and to top it off, I got to broadcast weather for one of the most challenging, beautiful spots in the United States. As an added bonus, the people I broadcast to all across Upper Michigan were so kind and encouraging,” he wrote.

From the Washington Post 9/18/21:

Bohnak wrote, “Since I chose not to take one of the shots, I was fired. Many of you have taken one of these injections, and that is absolutely your right. It is also my right to choose the medical options I feel are right for me. I have authority over my body.”

Bohnak, further said the mandates were causing the country to be “bludgeoned with fear, I believe, in an effort to control us.” The Michigan meteorologist called out the federal government and corporations for their vaccine mandates.

“I just wanted to go about my business, ‘live and let live,’ and keep my mouth shut,” he wrote on Facebook. “But this act by the federal government through corporate America has brought me to a crossroads. Our way of life, our freedom and liberty, is collapsing before our eyes.”

Whose side are the people of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula on?

Here’s a hint from Twitter:

“The people of small UP town, Iron Mt., Michigan protested by the dozens and some called for a boycott of TV6.”

My new favorite columnist, Wayne Allen Root. had an interesting take on Biden’s vaccine mandates. He said, “As a nationally syndicated radio host, I get thousands of emails a week. The ones I’m getting right now are downright tragic. I’m getting heartfelt letters of anguish from police officers, firefighters, paramedics, nurses, corrections officers, active-duty military, military fighter jet pilots, even Navy SEALs.

They’re all getting ready to quit or be fired because of vaccine mandates. They do not want the vaccine. Even if they have to give up their pensions. Even if they are one year away from retirement and a six-figure pension.”

Of course the New York Times is putting the blame for the lower vaccination rates on Republicans … could it be that Republicans on more apt to think like meteorologist Karl Bohnak and that is why they are Republicans. Are they saying, “It is also my right to choose the medical options I feel are right for me. I have authority over my body.”?

This type of scenario will continue to play out all across the U.S. What we are seeing here is similar to that initial drizzle that occurs as a big storm is threatening. My congrats to Karl Bohnak for standing up for his principles.

As most of you are aware I am not against the vaccine, but I am definitely “for freedom.” BTW: this is also a strong opinion of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Keneally in my book, “The Keneally Chronicles.” … available on Amazon.



PEW …Putrid!

From Townhall:

“It’s not just President Biden approval rating that’s been tanking in recent weeks. A new Pew survey found the commander in chief losing support on a number of issues, including his personal traits. 

Like many other polls, Biden’s approval rating fell in the survey conducted Sept. 13-19 among 10,371 adults, with less than half of Americans (44 percent) believing he’s doing a good job and 53 percent disapproving. That number has fallen among Democrats and other groups.”

Perhaps a “good” sign for J.B – there is no racial animus in his poll numbers. They are putrid with all races.

From Twitter:

“New Pew Poll: Biden lost 18 points in his job approval rating among Blacks in last two months, 16 points among Hispanics, 14 points among Asians. Only 8 points among Whites.”

His approval rating on how he is handling things even fell among Democrats (92-> 83) and those that “lean Democrat” (82-> 61).Just as bad if not worse, is that he is also tanking among Independents (54->42).

I am actually somewhat blown away by these numbers … 61% of those that lean Democrat and 42% of Independents think that J.B. is doing a good job! In what universe are they living? Everything that J.B touches turns to sh**! (economic policy, foreign affairs, immigration, and wise use of military force.)

What about unifying the country? … Again putrid.(PEW):

66% of Americans are “not at all confident” or “not too confident” that Joe Biden will “bring the country closer together.”

Again I find it hard to believe that anyone, much less 33%, can actually think that J.B. can bring the country closer together. Just about every day he pisses off more groups, and he does it with retaliatory and spiteful language. Last week it was the military … no vaccine, no honorable discharge. And now the latest is the Border Patrol. 


“To see people treated like they did? Horses running them over? People being strapped? It’s outrageous. I promise you, those people will pay.” Unfortunately for J.B. the accusations of the Border Patrol whipping Haitians were false. (The photojournalist who took the photos of Border Patrol agents earlier this week, which cynical political operatives and media have used to smear them, has debunked the narrative illegal immigrants were whipped.)

OMG: “J.B -the unifier!” 

Perhaps better said, “J.B. – the putrifier!”



In Haitian Creole … “Nap Vini”

I would guess that just about everyone is familiar with Don McLean’s song, American Pie, which was initially released back in 1971. 

It starts out:

“A long, long time ago

I can still remember how that music

Used to make me smile

Those lyrics reminded me of an caper of sorts that some friends, my wife, and myself mischievously carried out many years ago. Back then we were young and adventurous, and we snuck into a wedding reception. Who were the bride and groom? We had no idea. All we knew was that we heard good music, people were dancing, and the door was open. Now we did not partake of any of the food and drink, but rather took advantage of the open door, and figured, “What the heck!”

How could this “open door antic” of many years ago have any relevance to today’s world? Think about the classic line from Field of Dreams … “If you built it, they will come,” and transition to “if the door is open, they will come.” That is what happened with our reception caper, and that is what is happening now at our southern border. The border is open and the Haitians are coming.

For those of you not geographically inclined, it is an extremely long way from Haiti to our southern border. How did these thousands of people get here from Haiti? What are the possibilities?

By air? Although possible, unlikely as we would be talking about hundreds of airplane journeys from Haiti to accommodate all of these people. Who could be financing these air trips?

By sea? Again extremely unlikely as they would first have to be transported by boat from Haiti to the Yucatán  Peninsula, as they certainly did not swim. From there they would have to walk to the southern Texas border. While the walking part is possible, who could be financing these boat trips?

The third possibility is that they did not come from Haiti. By this I mean that they did not come directly from Haiti. Impossible, you say. However there is one striking piece of evidence to support this thesis … many of “these Haitians” are speaking Spanish, and most Haitians who live in Haiti speak Haitian Creole or French.

As background, most of us are at least tangentially aware of Haiti’s long-standing problems and natural disasters. 

According to Townhall:

“Many Haitians have left the country and settled in other countries in Central and South America, especially Brazil and Chile. Other evidence that the majority of Haitians are not coming directly from Haiti are the discarded identification documents found on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande. The reason Haitian migrants discard their ID cards on the Mexican side is to obscure from asylum reviewers that they were already safely and prosperously situated for years and years before coming for the American upgrade.”

So here it looks like these “we used to be Haitians” are now singing their own rendition of that Don McLean classic in multiple languages … “Hi, hi, American Pie.” As with our dancing caper, if we strain our ears at the border we hear from those few who still speak Haitian Creole, “Nap Vini!” (“we will come!”)



Mandatory Vaccinations … “Aye Aye, Sir”

The other day President Biden was in a rage about those who are not getting vaccinated. … (Such bad people!!) So he then mandated vaccines for a whole bunch of individuals, and his spokesperson stated that OSHA is going to be taking a “very close look” at those who are claiming an exemption to J.B’s unconstitutional dictate.

For some, is it possible that the cure (forced vaccination) can be worse than the disease?

The three situations that I will be detailing here are not fabricated. Should these individuals be forced to get either the first dose, the second dose, or a booster vaccine? Is this a legitimate question to be asked to both President Biden and to OSHA?

The first situation involves a city policeman. His pension’s vesting is getting close. Recently he had Covid … the real deal, in bed, off work for a week with the accompanying positive Covid test. Now what rational person would say that he now needs a Covid vaccine? J.B says so! (Oops, my mistake, as I did specify rational!)

This documented policeman’s situation is interesting because refusing to be vaccinated could indeed put his pension at risk. Approximately 90 percent of San Diego police officers expressed opposition to coronavirus vaccine mandates, while according to a survey, 65 percent of officers stated that they would mull resigning from the force if the city imposed such requirement,

The second situation involves someone who is tangentially involved in health-care (only works on computers – no patient contacts), and thus his full vaccination is mandated. Interestingly, he has also had a documented case of Covid months ago, but because his vaccination is mandated, he just got his first dose of the Pfizer vaccine … it knocked him on his ass! (“I felt much worse after the jab than I did when I had Covid.”) The question here is whether he should go ahead and get his second dose in a few weeks when it is due … the answer is, “yes,” if he wishes to keep his job.

The third situation involves a health care worker who was one of the first to be vaccinated way back in January. On the night of her first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, she had significant side effects. Nonetheless, a few weeks later she got the second dose. Months later, the exact same symptoms as she had after the initial jab recurred, but much much worse. Presently, on medication, she is doing better, although not perfect. When boosters are mandated for health care workers, should she get the booster?

To me these three different situations point out that “the one size fits all”of J.B.’s mandates are unwise, and appear purely political. To me these three individuals  clearly warrant exemptions as “the cure” is potentially worse than the disease. However, according to J.B., all three should “beware” as big brother OSHA will be “looking very closely.”

But it gets worse, as J.B’s vindictiveness is once again rising to the top as not only is he ordering all military personnel to get the vaccine … no exceptions, but any individual who does not get the vaccine will be discharged, dishonorably! 

If in the military, in all three cases described above (in which getting the vaccine is either not needed) or has increased risk, each of these individuals would receive a dishonorable discharge! With this one vindictive statement J.B. has set military recruiting back at least a decade … especially in those ethnic groups that have more unvaccinated individuals.



“Help! Help! Stop! Stop!”

Let’s say that your next-door neighbor has a two year old, and one day you incessantly hear crying and screaming from next store. The little boy is not happy … “No, no, no! Stop, stop! Help, help.” At some point would you be concerned for the safety of that screaming little boy? You are cognizant that child abuse can be a real problem, perhaps even on your block. Perhaps even next-door. Could his parents be out of town? Could he be with a baby-sitter? I would guess that eventually you would decide that you needed to do something. Call the police? Go next door?

Now let’s say that we have the same scenario, except that next door you have a daycare facility. The same incessant crying and screaming. The same “No, no, no! Stop, stop, stop!” Would your threshold be the same? One would certainly think that a licensed daycare facility should not be abusing a two year old … or would they? … or could they?

Next let’s say that this daycare facility is in New York State. Would that make any difference? One would think not, as child abuse is child abuse. It shouldn’t matter the nationality of the child, the gender of the child, or in which state the child abuse is occurring. 

Next let’s assume that a young boy was continuously screaming at the house next store that happened to also be a daycare facility that happened to be in New York State. Child abuse? At some point you decide that you could not let it go on, so you took your iPhone and went in through the front door unannounced. Without knocking you entered with your iPhone filming. 
This is basically what happened at a daycare facility in New York State. (A YouTube is available.)

Yes, indeed the child abuse was caught on a video.. There they were – the screaming child, sitting on the floor, the daycare workers struggling to put a face mask on the crying child. Every time they got it on him, the decibel level significantly increased … “help, help” …”no, no!” and he immediately ripped the face mask off.

Was this child abuse? On the surface, it sure looked like it. What the aides were doing was certainly causing distress for the child, and they just kept doing the same thing … over and over and over. 

Why? … because it is the law! Someone belonging to that omnipotent “they” has decided that two year olds have to wear masks all the time in a daycare facility. I wondered where “they” found this information? Was it from a study? Or did “they” just wing it? My guess is that it was the latter, and for sure, “they” did not have a two year old at home.

In my opinion forcing a screaming two year old to wear a mask is indeed child abuse, whether it is in a daycare facility or on an airplane. Forcing any toddler to wear a face mask inside for hours at a time is not only cruel but nonsensical!



“Best of the Day!”

On most days I designate a received email as “Best of the day.” I try to be eclectic in choosing a “Best of the day,” but one thing for sure, if an email makes me laugh out loud, it is automatically designated as “Best of the day.”

This morning I am in a bit of a quandary as I laughed out loud … not after reading an email, but rather after reading a piece of news. 

Although I often smile at “news,” I cannot recall ever laughing out loud.

For example, on 9/20/21, when Peter Doocy of Fox News asked Jen Psaki, the White House Press Secretary the following question in reference to the border and the migration crisis, I smiled at her reply.

Doocy: “Where’s the vice president on any of this, isn’t she supposed to  be addressing the root causes of migration?”

Psaki: “Absolutely, and she has been addressing the root causes of              migration by working with countries in the region …”

When I read that absurd answer, I smiled. Psaki could have given an honest answer to Doocy’s question, but instead she tap-danced. (An honest answer from Psaki would have been something like, “Actually Peter, a lot of us around here have been asking the same question, and none of us know what she is doing on this issue or on many other issues.”)

Keeping in mind that part of Psaki’s job is to tap dance, and thus to avoid directly answering a question, here she did an adequate job.

However during that same press conference Doocy asked another question to Psaki:

Doocy: “I have a question about what’s going on at the border. Is somebody asking the foreign nationals who are walking into Del Rio, Texas and setting up camps on this side of the border for proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test?”

As Psaki stated to tap dance, Doocy continued:

Doocy: “That’s the policy for people who fly into the country. So if somebody walks into the country, right across the river, does somebody asked them to see their vaccination card?”

Psaki: “They’re not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time. I don’t think it’s the same thing. It’s not the same thing.”

When I read this, I immediately started laughing. Not a smile. Not a polite giggle, but an out loud burst of laughter …  a guffaw that lasted for about ten seconds. Tears started to run down my cheeks. …the illegals are “not intending to stay here!!” OMG !!

Now there are two possibilities here:

  1. Psaki got confused as everyone knows that Europeans mainly come here to visit, whereas those coming up over our southern border are coming to stay. If Biden had made this faux-pas I would have just smiled, as J.B. is confused a lot.
  2. Psaki was not confused. Upon watching the video, I would say that she did not appear confused. She had ample opportunity to correct herself, but she did not. Therefore I am left with only one conclusion … “Psaki is prepping for her next career as a comedienne.”



When in Doubt … Use Logic

Joe Biden, or whomever is running the show, has again showed his/its vindictive side with Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra recently taking control of the distribution of life-saving monoclonal antibody (mAb) treatments for coronavirus. Either J.B is fully aware of, and supportive of what Mr. Becerra (XB) is doing or he is not. If he is aware, then “the pseudo-uniter” is again showing his true colors … or if J.B. is not aware of, and supportive of of what Becerra is doing, then OMG! A lot of us recall that X.B. himself does have a vindictive streak as we in California witnessed first hand multiple times in the past  when he maliciously sued to stop just about everything President Trump wanted to do – no matter how much good it may have done nor how much common sense it made … another matter for another time.

Back to monoclonal antibodies (mAb) … let’s make sure I have this straight: 

  • Some states have a higher/lower rate of vaccination than other states.
  • MAb have been shown to be effective in the treatment of Covid.
  • States that are using more mAb are predominately states with Republican governors, namely Alabama, Florida, Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, and Louisiana.
  • XB/JB  now has the authority to regulate the distribution and usage of the treatment in all 50 states and to restrict states that are using what the government determines as more than their “fair share.” 
  • Sick people are just people, irrespective of where they live.
  • For whatever reason, those groups that are the most resistant to being vaccinated are Blacks and Hispanics.
  • Sick people are sick people, irrespective of the color of their skin.
  • Since the unvaccinated are more likely not only to get Covid, but also to become sicker with Covid, restricting the use of mAb would logically affect those groups that are more apt to be unvaccinated.


After logically reviewing what I know about the preponderance of the unvaccinated being in certain ethnic groups, the incidence and severity of Covid in vaccinated versus unvaccinated individuals, the effectiveness of mAb treatment in Covid, and the limiting of the distribution of mAb to sick individuals by JB/XB … whereas initially I thought that this was purely a political vendetta, I now am forced to conclude that the purposeful withholding of mAb treatment to those who are ill with Covid is  … racially motivated.

