David Rose & Daniel Chapman

Just like with many other Sundays, today I give praise to two gentlemen who by their bravery saved the life of an eight year-old boy. Daniel Rose and David Chapman are two police officers from Warren, Michigan.

On August 30th of last year Cpl. Daniel Rose and Officer David Chapman were in a residential area when they came across an 8-year-old boy lying on the ground holding an active power cable. A storm had occurred the previous night, and a number of power lines across the city had come down. The instant the officers saw the screaming boy, accompanied by his panicking 10-year-old brother, they raced over to help. Body camera footage shows the distressing scene playing out, with the officers making split-second decisions. Despite the live power lines dangling over the boy, the officers acted swiftly.

“I’ve got to get him,” Cpl. Rose can be heard saying, crawling under the still-active wire along with Officer Chapman to reach the boy, who was now unconscious, and drag him to safety. As they did so, they were hit with a strong electric charge coming through the child’s wounded body.

They then rushed the boy to the hospital.

The Warren Police Department said: “Hospital Staff advised that, if it were not for the quick thinking and heroic actions of Officers Rose and Chapman in particular, the 8-year-old child may not be alive today.”

Just another day on the job in Warren, Michigan?

Not for these two real life heroes!
