Down Under

This morning I  recalled that our yearly flu shots are based on the strain of influenza that is prevalent down under in the Southern Hemisphere, predominantly in Australia and New Zealand, during their past just completed winter. Recall that their winter is our summer and vice versa. Unfortunately this year’s flu vaccine is not supposed to be all that effective, percentage wise. However, I hope that the other things which happened recently down under will soon surface here in the U.S.

First, in New Zealand, the Labor government suffered a complete rout. The ultra liberal Jacinda Ardern had already resigned and fled the country, only to take refuge at Harvard University!

From the New York Times:

New Zealand Elects Its Most Conservative Government in Decades

The rightward shift came as voters punished the party once led by Jacinda Ardern for failing to deliver the transformational change that it had promised.

Meanwhile in Australia, from Jeffery Tucker:

A referendum that would have ended a key Western pillar of social and political law, the idea of equal application of the law. It proposed the addition of a new arm of Parliament supposedly to represent the interests of the Indigenous people, not the actual people of course but those claiming to represent them. The way to be admitted to the group is genetic, which is to say a biological test for political power.

The yes position was pushed very hard by all the main power centers in Australian politics. As Ramesh Thakur has written, “The $365 million referendum, backed almost unanimously by the governing, educational, financial, media, and sporting institutions and funded generously by them using shareholder and public monies rather than their own, confirmed an alarming gap between the elites and the vast majority. It should but is unlikely to lead to any serious introspection by members of the elite.”

The whole crazy scheme went down in a sweeping and devastating repudiation by 3 of 5 voters nationwide. This represents a total humiliation not only for the racialist cause—oddly favored by the left—but also all elite media and corporate voices that completely misread not only the intent of the referendum but also the attitude of the public.”

Will these similar outcomes soon come to the U.S.

Hopefully, the ultra liberal Democrats will be defeated in the next elections, just like in New Zealand. Likewise, hopefully many of the bizarre positions favored by the elite will go down to crushing defeats just like occurred down under.
