A Zebra Doesn’t Change It’s Stripes

Back in April, 1975 President Ford was dealing with getting troops and civilians out of Saigon, Vietnam. That was over forty-six years ago. Exactly what occurred during Senate deliberations is somewhat fuzzy. We do know that Joe Biden was involved.

The following is from Snopes:

“On April 23, 1975, in a speech on the Senate floor, Biden argued that the president had constitutional authority to evacuate U.S. citizens, but the evacuation of noncitizens was an entirely different matter that should be negotiated‘through organizations that are available, and through diplomatic channels that we could use’.” 

On April 25, 1975, Biden opposed “The Vietnam Contingency Act of 1975” which would send emergency funds to South Vietnam for evacuation and relief efforts. 

Biden expressed his concerns over how aid money intended for evacuation was going to be used, and the limits of the powers of the U.S. president.”

Now fast forward to 2021. From Townhall:

“The need for a deadline extension has become increasingly urgent to many in the United States as President Biden — along with State Department and Pentagon leadership — have been unable to say both how many Americans remain trapped behind Taliban lines and how many Americans have so far been evacuated. Add in special immigrant visa applicants and other at-risk Afghans who helped the United States over its two decades of involvement in Afghanistan and there are still a lot of people who need to get past Taliban checkpoints and onto U.S. airlift flights in the next week.”

Compared to Vietnam in 1975, we have a worse situation now in Afghanistan in reference to getting both civilians and military safely out of that country. How many are still trapped in that country? How many are there? Conveniently, the Pentagon and the State Department refuse to say. Any reasonable person would say that getting these individuals out is the moral responsibility of the U.S., and if more time is needed to do this safely, so be it.

A strong leader would tell the Taliban that the U.S.A. was going to extend that August 31 deadline. A strong leader would not ask for an extension. A strong leader would not grovel, crawl, and eat Taliban dirt. A strong leader would admit to his thus-far bungled efforts, and perhaps ask for a shot of testosterone if that is what is called for. A strong leader would do what is right.

But unfortunately it appears that the once mighty U.S.A. does not presently have a strong leader. Looking back at the Joe Biden of 1975, no one should be surprised as a zebra does not change is stripes … or perhaps better said, “a zebra does not change his yellow stripes, especially in the face of a Taliban red line!”


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