Basketball vs. Boring . . . then Boom!

On Tuesday, 1/21/20, the Impeachment trial began in the U.S. Senate. Who is watching such a circus? On Fox News it was basically on all day. It was on when I went to the gym in the afternoon and it was on well into the night. Actually, I was not really watching this spectacle, but would transiently flip back-and-forth during the commercials on whatever I was actually watching on other channels. Between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. on 1/21, I was watching a San Diego State Aztec basketball game, and during the breaks in the game, I would flip quickly back to the the fiasco taking place on the Senate floor, which to put it politely, was boring . . . with a capital B! 

Keep in mind that there is a three hour time difference between California and Washington D.C., and so this means that the shenanigans in D.C. were going on well past midnight eastern time. By pure serendipity I happened to catch what was probably the highlight of the that day’s proceedings. I just happened to tune in when one of the President’s lawyers, Pat Cipollone, was starting to speak. He was quite a good speaker, as he accused Jerry Nadler, part of the Democrat House management team, of disrespecting the entire Senate body by accusing it of a coverup. He was quite effective when he said, “the only one who should be embarrassed here, Mr. Nadler, is you!” (Mr. Cipollone was spot on, except that I don’t think that Mr. Nadler can be embarrassed.)
Mr. Cipollone then turned the floor over to Jay Sekulow, another counsel for the President. I have seen and heard Jay Sekulow before, and so at this point, the basketball game would have to carry-on without me. I definitely made the right decision when I opted not to change the channel. Whereas Pat Cipollone was effective, Jay Sekulow was awesome. This member of the President’s legal team make Mr. Nadler look like a partisan stooge by repeating parts of what Nadler had just said, (“executive privilege and other nonsense”) and rhetorically asking whether the same rules had applied when President Obama used executive privilege to protect his Attorney General, Eric Holder, from testifying about “Fast and Furious.” . . . Boom! Moreover he punctuated his short but powerful soliloquy by staring repeatedly at Mr. Nadler . . . BOOM! Fortunately, I did not miss any crucial parts of the basketball game, but even if I did, it would have been worth it.

The only sad part was that Jay Sekulow spoke at 12:10 a.m. eastern time and most of the country missed the highlight of the entire day’s proceedings. I would strongly recommend that each of you find and watch both these speeches as it is extremely unlikely that they will be shown on any of the mainstream media “news” outlets. Pat Cipollone and Jay Sekulow versus Jerry Nadler was like my #4 ranked Aztecs playing a mediocre high school basketball team.

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