Border Security Initiative

I recently came across something sent to me by Carl DeMaio who is running for State Assembly here in California. He is trying to get a Voter I.D.proposition on the next ballot. I have always liked DeMaio’s ideas, and thus thought that it would be appropriate to copy what he recently sent to me. 

From Carl DeMaio:

“Have you been watching what’s happening at our border? I have several alarming facts to share with you on how bad the situation is:

• Millions of illegal immigrants flowing in every year.  Here in San Diego County, CBP has released over 75,000 illegal immigrants on to San Diego county streets since September and we have no idea where they are now!

• Most of the illegal immigrants coming across are military-aged men and have not been vetted on their past criminal history

• Over 200 terrorist watch list suspects have been detained since January 1, 2023 – and who knows how many others are crossing without detection!

There is a crisis at the border. Politicians from BOTH political parties have failed us!

That’s why this week I will be unveiling a California Border Security Initiative and demanding action on three emergency actions:

1. Deploy the California National Guard immediately to the border as Texas has done.

2. Immediately repeal the California Sanctuary State law that allows criminals to remain in the US without deportation

3. Repeal the recently-approved welfare programs for illegal immigrants for free taxpayer-funded heath insurance and free legal services

I am also redoubling our campaign efforts to qualify and pass my proposal for a California Voter ID Law!  

As long as the border is not secure, and as long as our voter lists are not properly maintained, we need to require Voter ID! It is just common sense!”

Anyway, like I said, I mostly agree with what Carl DeMaio says, and I agree with him on this.

Will any of the above things happen here in California? … No, not until hell freezes over, and with global warming, probably even longer!
