Finally !

Finally a chink in the armor of the “green energy or nothing” enthusiasts. This latest bit of sanity comes out of Sweden. Those of us with a little knowledge of world geography know that Sweden lies pretty far north. In general, the further north one goes the colder it gets, and the less the sun shines. Therefore,  it stands to reason that it is less likely that solar power will suffice as a source of energy, as one goes further north. In addition wind power is unreliable, unless the wind turbines are placed in certain spots where the wind is known to blow either steadily or at least quite often. In addition, the further north one goes, the colder it gets in the winter, and the longer the winter lasts, and thus more energy is needed to heat homes and businesses.

This rational kind of thinking is what caused Sweden to change its stance on nuclear power.

From Red State, 6/25/23:

“Sweden Shocks Europe: Abandons ‘Unstable’ Green Energy Agenda, Returns to Nuclear Power”

Sweden just dealt a severe blow to the globalist climate agenda by scraping its green energy targets. In a statement announcing the new policy in the Swedish Parliament, Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson warned that the Scandinavian nation needs “a stable energy system.”

Svantesson said wind and solar power are too “unstable” to meet the nation’s energy requirements. Instead, she said, the Swedish government is shifting back to nuclear power and has scrapped its goal of a “100 percent renewable energy” supply to meet the nation’s energy requirement,

Finally, a chink in the armor of the Green Energy Agenda. How long before Sweden’s neighboring countries come to their senses, and realize the wisdom of what Sweden is doing? And then how long before the Northern European countries admit that going totally green is a fool’s errand.

Similarly, at some point those that live in the northern part of the U.S.A will be forced to admit that going green will just not work for them, especially during their long cold winters. If one lives south of the Mason-Dixon Line, then perhaps the story will be somewhat different, but we’ll see.

Sweden showed wisdom and foresight with its approach to Covid, and I predict that its rational approach and its foresight when it comes to energy will be the standard of the future.
