“If I Die …”

Last month I read a piece about Doug Brignole. At this point you might be asking, “Who is Doug Brignole?” Prior to reading about what he said, I had absolutely no idea who he was. I say “was,” because Doug Brignole is no longer with us.

FYI from Wikipedia:

“Doug Brignole was an American bodybuilder, fitness coach, biomechanics expert, and author. He attained fame as a multiple-time winner of the AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) Mr. Universe and Mr. America titles. Known for his long competitive career, Brignole was the oldest man to win the title of Mr. Universe. Beyond his bodybuilding achievements, Brignole was well known for his research and application of biomechanics principles to resistance training and for his use of cables, dumbbells, and isolation exercises rather than the barbells and compound exercises most commonly used by other titled bodybuilders.”

No! I have no interest in bodybuilding, but I bring up Doug Brignole because of something he said in 2021, and the manipulation that occurred after he died in October, 2022.

Back in April, 2021 Doug  Brignole said the following,  “I have enough confidence in the vaccine, based on my research, to get it done.” 

Brignole replied to a Facebook user who questioned his decision. “Those of you who think the vaccine kills people can use me as a test. If I die, you were right. If I don’t die, and have no ill effects, you were wrong, and should admit it – at least to yourselves.”

In October, 2022 Brignole died one week after taking a pre-travel booster shot.

From “Coffee and Covid:”

“The coroner ruled Brignole’s death was caused by covid-19 — because his body tested positive for covid.

Brignole was found face down AT HOME by his housekeeper, and as far as anyone knows, covid has never killed anyone like that. It makes you unable to breathe and you die from pneumonia, kidney failure (remdesivir), or the ventilator. You definitely don’t catch covid then keel over suddenly and unexpectedly, like Brignole did.”

I found this story about what actually happened to Doug Brignole  interesting for two reasons.

First: I got Covid fifteen days after getting a Covid booster prior to traveling. No one talks much about getting Covid in close temporal approximation to getting a Covid booster. In my mind there is no doubt that it was my booster that somehow made me more susceptible to Covid, and it seems likely that the same temporal relation was the case with Doug Brignole.

Second: I find it intriguing that Brignole’s “cause of death” was supposed to be Covid! This sounds like the poppycock that was occurring years back when if the deceased tested positive for Covid, then Covid was listed as the cause of death even though the individual died as a result of something else, e.g. an auto accident.

As far as I am aware, Covid is not a cause of sudden death. Mr. Brignole most likely died from a cardiac arrhythmia. Could this presumed arrhythmia have been due to his recent Covid booster? Possibly. Perhaps to paraphrase Brignole’s own words, “If I die, you were right … do not get the booster!”

