Interglacial Periods

As most of you realize, I do not profess to be an expert on “climate change.” In fact, recently a friend lent me “Green Murder” by Ian Plimer, an Australian “climate change denier,” and I am having a tough time comprehending it.

Nonetheless, recently I did struggle through a piece by Daniel W. Nebert, a professor emeritus in Gene-Environment Interactions at the University of Cincinnati, and thought I would pass on the part related to Glacial Periods. Please bear with me and these large numbers as the end-message is quite clear.

It is my understanding that the following will be included in a future piece in American Thinker:

“From his seminal work while prisoner of war during WWI, Serbian mathematician Milutin Milankovitchexplained how climate is influenced by variations in the Earth’s asymmetric orbit, axial tilt, and rotational wobble — each going through cycles lasting as long as 120,000 years.

It is widely recognized that Glacial Periods of about 95,000 years, interspersed with Interglacial Periods of approximately 25,000 years correspond with Milankovitch Cycles. Multiple incursions of glaciers occurred during the Pleistocene, an epoch lasting from about 2.6 million to 11,700 years ago, when Earth’s last Glacial Period ended. Around 24,000 years ago, present-day Lake Erie was covered with ice a mile thick. 

 Within each Interglacial Period, there’ve been warming periods, or “Mini-Summers.” For example, within the current Holocene Interglacial, there have been warmer periods known as the Minoan (1500 – 1200 BC), Roman (250 BC – 400 AD) and Medieval (900 – 1300 AD). Our Modern Warming Period began with the waning of the Little Ice Age (1300-1850). Today’s Mini-Summer is colder so far than all previous Mini-Summers over the last 8,500 years.”

So let me get this straight. 

Is the earth warming? … Yes, it is, but this is not the first such “Mini-Summer” that the earth has had. As with past “Mini-Summers” these  warming periods typically occur during periods of extreme cold referred to as Interglacial Periods.

Comparatively speaking this so-called period of “global warming” is not so much compared to prior episodes that have occurred over the past 8,500 years.

As any intelligent person knows warming is to be preferred to cooling as far as how the earth’s inhabitants get along. Death rates are much higher with extreme cold than with extreme heat. Imagine trying to grow food in freezing conditions as opposed to hot conditions. Crops will not grow if it is freezing. Imagine what America’s bread basket would be like if Lake Erie was covered with mile thick ice. Millions would starve if temperatures plunged!

At what point will this global warming paranoia cease? In my opinion, probably not until we get a Republican back in the White House!
