“Avoid Washington State!”

The other day I read a recommendation, the likes of which I have never have read before. Furthermore it was said by someone with some standing … not some political schmo.

Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons made the following recommendation following what happened to Dr. Wei-Hsung Lin in Washington state.

She recommended doctors avoid Washington state if they’re able.

Wow! That is a very strong statement!

What egregious offense did Dr. Lin commit? … Are you ready for this? … I am shocked! … Dr. Lin prescribed Ivermectin for Covid!!

Hmmm, he must have prescribed Ivermectin for thousands … Shock & awe!  … No, he prescribed Ivermectin for five patients … 5! … cinco!  OMG!

From Epoch Health:

According to an order signed by the Washington Medical Commission on May 2, Dr. Lin was fined $5000, and must also take continuing education classes, according to newly filed documents. In addition, the order prohibits Dr. Lin from prescribing ivermectin off-label to patients in Washington state and from prescribing any medication or providing care for patients without first establishing a doctor-patient relationship.

It also requires him to review the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and UpToDate websites for current COVID-19 guidelines, take continuing medical education classes on preventing, treating, and managing COVID-19 and establishing a doctor-patient relationship, and write two papers of at least 1,000 words describing what he learned from the websites and classes. 

Again shock and awe! … write two one-thousand word papers! To me it sounds like the Washington Medical Commission was made up of elementary school teachers. Perhaps just a rumor, but word on the street has it that in his initial punishment, Dr. Lin had to write “I will not prescribe Ivermectin ever again!” one hundred times on a white board.

Of course, there is no mention of any adverse effects in the five patients for whom Dr. Lin prescribed Ivermectin … not at all surprising as Ivermectin has an extremely tiny side-effect profile … probably less than 99% of all drugs.

Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, said that the conditions are “extremely onerous” and require work that would “enormously increase the burden of practice and probably drive most physicians out of practice altogether.”

“Ivermectin is an extremely safe drug—much safer than most drugs physicians prescribe without all the ‘informed consent’ discussions demanded here,” Dr. Orient told The Epoch Times in an email. “As to informing patients of alternatives, the reasons patients were calling this doctor was likely that no alternatives were available. It was ‘isolate and go to ER if you get worse.’”

Did the almighty Medical Commission state if any patients were improved because of the Ivermectin? Not that I am aware of, as that info could possibly destroy their already formed biased omnipotent opinion!

Now I have only been to Washington state a few times, and did not particularly like it there. Notwithstanding, if any one in the medical field were to ask, I would echo Dr. Orient’s advice, and tell them to “avoid Washington state at all costs.”
