The CO2 Hypothesis

The other day I was reading a piece by John Seiler about the folly of the mandating of Electric Vehicles in California by 2035, and President Biden’s national goal of more than half of all vehicles sold being EVs by 2030.

In this article Mr. Seiler references some scientific papers, and ends up reminding everyone that this entire CO2 Kabuki theater is hypothesis rather than proven fact.

The following is from that article:

“The carbon monoxide emitted by gas and diesel engines is being shown not to cause global warming. Reported No Tricks Zone, “Three Polish physicists have focused their attention on this saturation principle as it applies to CO2 in three recently published papers (Kubicki et al., 2024, 2022, and 2020). Their latest (Kubicki et al., 2024), published in Applications in Engineering Science, summarizes the experimental evidence from their 2020 and 2022 publications substantiating the conclusion that ‘as a result of saturation processes, emitted CO2 does not directly cause an increase in global temperature.’”

Now thIs is something that I have not read anywhere in the Main Stream Media, and I would guess that Joe Biden is not familiar with the publication, Applications in Engineering Science.

“The authors are concerned about the recent push to rely on modeling and assumptions about CO2’s capacity to drive changes in global temperature rather than observational evidence. They point out the current CO2-is-the-climate-control-knob zeitgeist is no more than a hypothesis.”

The scientists themselves wrote: “This unequivocally suggests that the officially presented impact of anthropogenic CO2 increase on Earth’s climate is merely a hypothesis rather than a substantiated fact.”

 A hypothesis!! To remind everyone that we are basically being told by “those that know best” that we must change our entire life style based on a hypothesis!
