Orbán … “we” vs. “me”

If you have the time I would strongly suggest that you watch Tucker Carlson’s interview of the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, on X,

previously known as Twitter. The interview lasts for 30:26, and at no point could I force myself to break away or to even pause it momentarily for fear that I would miss something. Multiple topics were covered and Orbán did not shy away from any of Carlson’s questions.

When asked what he would do with the situation in Ukraine, which shares a border with Hungary, Orbán immediately responded, “make peace.” He stated very forcibly that there is no chance that Ukraine can ever win, because of “manpower” … meaning that Russia has an inexhaustible supply of manpower, whereas Ukraine doesn’t, and eventually, ultimately wars are won because of boots on the ground. He also politely commented in one word about the prospect of taking back Crimea from the Russians … “dumb!”

He maintained that the prospect of a peaceful solution is entirely in the hands of the U.S President, and that perhaps the only way for this to happen is to “call back Trump.” He further commented that although Trump is not perfect, that “facts count,” further explaining that Trump’s foreign policy results were outstanding.

In another unrelated topic, Orbán talked about the difference between liberals and conservatives. (As an aside, this was the clearest most concise explanation of this difference.) … Conservatives are about “we,” whereas liberal are focused on “me.” The “we” consists of family, nation, and God. The “me” is all about ego.

When asked about using “legal” means to thwart your political opponent, Orbán was again very forthcoming when he said that this was “communist methodology.” He further commented that whereas disagreement with your political opponent is to be expected, using legal means to defeat your opponent will negate any future chance to unify any nation.

After listening to this interview, I now fully understand why the Biden administration used big time U.S tax dollars to attempt to defeat Viktor Orbán in Hungary’s last election.

